Planning + Design + Construction
The Office of Planning + Design + Construction (P+D+C) is a division of the Office of Administration and Finance responsible for comprehensive campus planning and construction at the University of Cincinnati.
Planning + Design + Construction seeks to make a positive impact on campus by enhancing the quality of the buildings and open green spaces that constitute UC's built environment. This includes long-term master planning, site-specific design, building renovation, new construction, stewardship of natural resources, and community outreach. The University of Cincinnati is one of the most architecturally dynamic campuses in America thanks in part to the innovative practice of commissioning signature architects to create a unique sense of place. The collective duties of P+D+C are managed by collaborative teams dedicated to each of the following focus areas: Planning, Design, Project Management, Space Management, Real Estate, Community Development, and Sustainability.
Project Request Forms can be found on the Planning + Design + Construction Bearcats Landing page.