LGBTQ Center

On behalf of the LGBTQ Center at the University of Cincinnati, welcome to campus! This site is used to showcase our commitment to LGBTQ students, faculty, staff, and alums. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our staff and programs that we provide throughout the year. We have recently moved to the 7th & 8th floors of Steger Student Life Center! Come find us in the 840 Suite!


The LGBTQ Center supports the mission of the University of Cincinnati through a commitment to diversity, equity, leadership development, and intellectual inquiry with particular respect to sexual orientation and gender identity. The Center is an inclusive campus community that welcomes people of all sexual orientations and gender identities and provides support, resources and advocacy. The Center facilitates LGBTQ visibility by promoting and enhancing understanding, acceptance, and awareness regarding LGBTQ issues.


The purpose of the LGBTQ+ Center is to affirm the unique experiences of the growing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning population at the University of Cincinnati. We educate on, advocate for, and celebrate the achievements of the LGBTQ+ Bearcat family. We challenge the UC community to grow and thrive through dedicated support. 

Headshot of R. Chad Freeman

R. Chad Freeman

Director, LGBTQ Center

840D Steger Student Life Center


Chad (he/they) has 10+ years of experience in Student Affairs. He has a masters degree from LSU, and a bachelors degree from Valdosta State University. He is also a Doctoral Candidate in Urban Educational Leadership in CECH at UC. Go Bearcats!

Headshot of Faith Goetz-Isaacs

Faith Goetz-Isaacs

Assistant Director, LGBTQ Center

840A Steger Student Life Center


Faith (they/she) worked in civil rights, politics, & LGBTQ+ law for 8 years before Student Affairs in 2023. They have a J.D. from the University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law, and a Bachelor's from the University of Kentucky. Go Cats!

Headshot of Derek Guy

Derek Guy

Program Manager, LGBTQ Center

840C Steger Student Life Center


Derek (He/Him) comes to UC with over 10+ years of experience as a social worker. He has a Bachelor's degree from the University of Evansville and intends pursue a Master's degree in Mental Health Counseling at UC. And he's Proud to be a Bearcat!

Headshot of Elizabeth Hinsdale

Elizabeth Hinsdale

Graduate Assistant, LGBTQ Center

840E Steger Student Life Center


Elizabeth (they/she) is a WGSS graduate student with experience in campus organizing and student support services. They have a Bachelor’s of Arts from the University of Louisville in History and Women’s Studies with a minor in Political Science.

Enter Steger Student Life Center through the entrance (with automated open button) on the ground level near the Center for Student Involvement (CSI). Entrance is located on Mainstreet across from the Campus Recreation Center and Center Court Dining Hall. Take the elevator to the 7th floor. Turn right out of the elevator and continue down the hallway to the elevator at the end of the hall. Take the elevator to the 8th floor. Follow the hallway through Ethnic Programs & Services, and the Women's Center to us in 840!


The University of Cincinnati is a Premier Campus, earning 4.5 out of 5 stars in the Campus Pride Index, a national listing of LGBTQ-friendly colleges and universities. The index is an overall indicator of institutional commitment to LGBTQ-inclusive policy, program and practice. Additionally, in a recent national ranking the University has been ranked #52 among the top LGBTQ-friendliest colleges and universities.