University of Cincinnati Spring Commencement

The University of Cincinnati celebrates All-University Commencement during two ceremonies on Saturday, June 9, at 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. in Fifth Third Arena.

The academic costumes worn at commencement are as old as universities themselves, recalling a time when all students in centers of higher learning were members of the clergy and wore garments which were considered proper by the church.

UC will graduate 4,122 students and award 4,179 degrees, including:

  • 529  associate degrees
  • 2,315 baccalaureate degrees
  • 860 master degrees
  • 475 doctoral degrees

281 degrees will be awarded cum laude (representing a grade-point-average between 3.60 and 3.7499)

219 degrees will be awarded magna cum laude (GPA between 3.75 and 3.8999)

117 degrees will be awarded summa cum laude (GPA between 3.9 and 4.0)

The average age of the spring UC graduate is 27.5. The oldest graduate, earning a master’s degree, is 71. The age of the youngest graduates is 19.

Number of women earning degrees: 2,297 (55.7 percent)
Number of men earning degrees: 1,825 (44.3 percent)

12.6 percent of the graduates reflect a minority group (African-American, Asian, Hispanic, American-Indian)

Eight percent (328) of the graduates are African-American

UC’s graduating spring class represents 64 countries and 44 states.

UC Commencement Web site

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