Noted Aegean Scholar to Offer Lecture, Receive Honorary PhD

Aegean prehistorian Malcolm Hewitt Wiener will present a lecture/seminar at 3 p.m. Dec. 7 in Room 308, Blegen Library.


A Connecticut-based author and Harvard graduate who has lectured throughout the United States and Europe, Wiener is founder and president of the Institute for Aegean Prehistory. He is the author of numerous articles and papers on Aegean trade and chronology.

The Dec. 7 lecture, titled "Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Minoan Crete, Mycenaean Greece and the Cyclades at the Beginning of the Late Bronze Age," and a reception to follow are free and open to the public.




Wiener, nominated by the Classics department for an honorary degree from the University of Cincinnati, will receive an honorary doctor of humane letters during the Dec. 8 commencement ceremony. Read more here.

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