General Liberal Arts


The General Liberal Arts pathway is intended for students who are unsure of the major they would like to pursue, but whose interests lay in the arts. The Liberal Arts pathway includes general courses required by most BA degrees as well as courses intended to explore major possibilities.


Compatible UC Majors

Most liberal arts majors - discuss best fit with your high school counselor or a UC advisor


Possible UC Degrees

Multiple arts and science options


Potential Career Paths

Students with a liberal arts degree usually pursue careers in marketing, journalism, human resources, communication, research analysis, writing, project management, teaching, and sales. Learn more about what you can do with a liberal arts degree


College & Career Track General Liberal Arts Coursework

You can find general details about the courses below in the UC Course Catalog. For information about when courses are offered, check the UC Course Offerings page.


Tier 1 Courses

UC Course Course # Credits High School
English Composition ENGL 1001 3 English
Foundations of Quantitative Reasoning MATH 1008 3 Math
Foreign Language - 3 or 5 Elective/Honors
Introduction to American Politics POL 1010 3 Government
Introduction to Psychology PSYC 1001 3 Social Studies

Total Possible Credits: 15-17

Tier 2 Courses

  UC Course Course # Credits High School
  Literature Course ENGL 2XXX 3 English
  BoK: Natural Science# - 3 Science
  Foreign Language - 3 or 5 Elective/Honors
Choose 1 BoK: Fine Arts# - 3 Art
BoK: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion# - 3 Elective

Total Possible Credits: 15-17

* Credit applicability is at the discretion of your high school and cannot be determined by UC.

# Your UC advisor will help you select courses that satisfy the BoK (Breadth of Knowledge) requirement.


Ready to Apply?

Check the application page for information about eligibility and deadlines and to access the application form.