Occupational Safety

Occupational Safety covers several important areas, including:

  • Accident/Injury/Exposure Investigations
  • Buildings and Facilities Audits
  • Health and Safety Training
  • Ergonomics

Accident/Injury/Exposure Investigations


Buildings and Facilities Audits

  • All University buildings, which are currently owned or leased, are inspected as necessary on quarterly and yearly schedules.


Health and Safety Training

  • This program provides training for informing employees and students about the potential hazards in their workplace.  The EH&S Training Page includes a detailed list of training programs currently offered.



  • There is some information specific to the occupational safety of IACUC-related workers on our IACUC Information Page.



  • This is the study of how work is performed, and emphasizes the physical ailments caused by repetitive stresses.  Illnesses such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Back Strains are investigated.  Call 556-4968 to request an ergonomic assessment.