UC*Metro Program

The UC  Metro University Discount Program offers discount transportation options for eligible enrolled UC students and UC employees for use when riding Metro regional buses or Access mini-buses. The Program is funded by UC Administration and UC Student Government, and administered by UC Facilities Management Department.    


Red and Black Metro Bus with UC logo and images


UC Students Ride Free for Spring Semester

University of Cincinnati is pleased to announce the extension of our partnership with Metro. Through this partnership, university students and staff will be able to ride Metro FREE during spring semester.

If you registered in the fall, the free bus passes will be credited to your Transit app account on Friday, January 10 by 5pm. There is no need to re-register.

University students and staff who are new to the program and have not yet signed up should follow these steps to receive their free bus passes:

NOTE: Both steps MUST be completed in order, or you will NOT receive free bus passes in your Transit app ticket wallet. Passes are loaded to Transit accounts for new registrants on Fridays by close of business.


New Registrations:

1. Download the Transit app and create an account using your UC email address

2. Register for UC’s University Discount Program here.

Registration for the UC Metro University Discount Program is open for 2024-2025 Academic Year registration!

24/25 Academic Year discount is valid from 8/20/24-8/24/25, you will no longer need to re-register for each semester.

Hey UC – We’re Reinventing Metro for You

The Metro University Discount Program is available to University of Cincinnati students and staff to help them beat high gas prices and parking hassles associated with commuting to school, work, athletic events, shopping and socializing.

The Metro University Discount Program offers discount transportation options for eligible enrolled UC students and UC employees for use when riding Metro regional buses.

Students and staff can ride Metro for half-fare on all Hamilton County local service routes. You can choose from either a single ride ticket for $1 or a $2 day pass for unlimited rides during the service day.

How do I get the UC Metro Discount?

  • Download the Transit with the EZfare app, free for Android and Apple devices
  • Create an account with your UC email address
    • If you already have a Transit with EZfare app account using a different email address, you will need to set up a new one using your UC assigned email address.
    •  Make sure you enable the EZfare ticketing option that will sync to your Transit account.
  • Register for the discount through UC here.
  • Please allow 1-2 business days for the UC single ride and UC day pass tickets to appear in your account. You’re ready to purchase your half-fare tickets!
  • When you board a Metro bus, tap your ticket barcode on the validator and show the operator your UC student ID.


To be "Eligible" to participate in the program, a UC student must:

1.     Be enrolled in classes AND

2.     Possess a valid UC Photo Identification Card (from UC Public Safety)


UC tickets may only be used by the student or staff/faculty member who is enrolled or employed by UC at the time of registration.


For students, faculty, and staff who do not have access to a smart phone, Metro will provide a SmartCard to access the discount and scan on the bus. Please contact Amiee Gibson at Amiee.Gibson@.uc.edu  for more information.


For more information on how to use the Transit app, please visit Metro’s website.



The places you can go with Metro

Fun Facts

  • All new Cincinnati Metro buses are driven 2,388 miles from Livermore, California to Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Metro buses drive about 10 million miles each year.
  • Metro's Rt. 43 travels the most miles every year clocking in 808k miles.
  • A new Metro bus weighs 39,440 pounds.
  • Buses have been servicing Cincinnati since 1926.
  • Taking public transit is 90% safer than commuting by car.

Metro is a non-profit, tax-funded public service of the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA), which operates regional Metro buses and smaller Access mini-buses (origin-to-destination transportation for people whose disabilities prevent them from riding Metro buses.)  Metro provides about 17 million rides per year in the Greater Cincinnati area.

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