Naming Committee
The Naming Committee exists to determine whether honorific and commemorative naming proposals, as submitted on the Naming Request Forms, are appropriate, responsible, and consistent with the established criteria. After considering all relevant information connected with a naming request, the committee makes a recommendation (approval or rejection) to the Vice President for Finance and Administration. If appropriate, the committee may suggest an alternative name. Recommended proposals are brought before the Board of Trustees for approval.
Committee members include:
- President, UC Foundation and Vice President for University Advancement (Co-chair)
- Associate Vice President of Planning + Design + Construction (Co-chair)
- Director, Environmental Graphic Design
- Representative of the University President
- Representative of the Provost for Baccalaureate and Graduate Education
- One Dean
- Two faculty, elected by the Faculty Senate
- One undergraduate student
- One graduate student
- Representative of Marketing and Communications
- Representative of Auxiliary Services