Our Work
CET&L promotes research-based best practices through programming that inspires, invigorates, and empowers faculty dedicated to the success of their students. Our core areas of expertise include: Academic Program Assessment, Course Design, Gateway Instruction, the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies and Innovation, Textbook Affordability, and Accessibility.
Our Staff
As Director, Beth provides leadership for the CET&L team, including overseeing the center’s strategy, vision, planning, and day-to-day operations, as well as maintaining strategic partnerships. She joined CET&L in 2015 and has over twenty years of experience in the field of education including teaching, curriculum design, faculty and teacher professional development, and educational research. She works with UC faculty and departments on course design, implementing new teaching practices, assessment, and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Beth’s interests include creating classroom community in face-to-face and online courses, teaching students how to learn, active learning techniques, and promoting wellness for students and instructors. She leads workshops, faculty learning communities, and reading groups focused on these and other topics and is available for individual and group consultation.
Beth has developed and taught courses in both university and Adult Basic Education settings. She recently taught graduate-level courses for students across disciplines on teaching effectiveness and postsecondary teaching. She has previously taught courses for aspiring teachers on educational technology, sociolinguistics and bilingual education, and writing development and instruction, as well as a course to help K-12 school leaders understand contrasting models of literacy reform.
Beth’s scholarly work has appeared in peer reviewed journals such as The Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Reading Research Quarterly, The Reading Teacher, Science Scope, and Preventing School Failure. She has also presented at professional conferences including the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association and Council for Exceptional Children, the Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and Learning and the International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning. Additionally, she has written teaching cases for the Public Education Leadership Project, a joint initiative of the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Harvard Business School. Visit her Scholar@UC site to explore a selection of her scholarly works.
Kimber joined CET&L in 2016. Her interests include contemplative practices in education, cultivating resilient learners, and designing accessible courses. She leads workshops, faculty learning communities, and reading groups focused on these topics and is available for individual consultations.
Kimber has designed and taught a variety of studio art courses in film and dance as well as dance history and appreciation. She created the first online dance course at UIUC in 2010 and has worked with many faculty to integrate video projects into their courses. Kimber is a visiting lecturer at University College of Southwest Norway where she co-teaches an intensive PhD course in Arts-Based Research in Education and Culture. In addition to her classroom teaching, Kimber leads free weekly sessions on mindfulness and yoga for the faculty and staff at UC.
Kimber's scholarly work has appeared in Conversations on Embodiment Across Higher Education: Teaching, Practice and Research edited by Jennifer Leigh and Arts-Based Methods in Education Around the World edited by Tatiana Chemi and Xuangyun Du. She has presented her research at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, the International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry, Building Interdisciplinary Bridges Across Cultures, and the International Society for Education through Art.
Since 2015, Anna has directed efforts related to course design and innovative pedagogy at CET&L and supported instructors and departments in creating engaging learning environments. In addition, Anna directs efforts related to large enrollment gateway courses through the Great Gateways Initiative. Currently, Anna facilitates the Junior Faculty Learning Community (JR-FLC), the Great Gateways Faculty Learning Community (GG-FLC), and the Designing Engaging Courses Institute (DECI). Anna also designs and facilitates workshops for instructors and Teaching Assistants on evidence-based practices in the areas of course design, active learning, student engagement, Active Learning Classrooms, metacognition, and more. Anna is available for individual and group consultations as well as classroom observations for any instructor at UC to develop personalized strategies that improve student success.
Anna has designed and taught General Chemistry and Chemistry for Everyday Living while incorporating metacognition, active learning, and connecting the classroom experience with the greater world. Anna's research interests include peer mentoring, professional identity formation, and career development within the field of educational development. Anna’s analytical chemistry experience includes trace metal analysis, speciation, and metalloproteomics with a focus on environmental and health applications.
Anna's scholarly work has appeared in The Journal on Centers for Teaching and Learning, The Journal of Chemical Education, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry and on The POD Network website. She has also presented at professional conferences including The POD Network Conference, Lilly International Conference on College Teaching, The Ohio-PKAL Annual Conference, SciX: The Great Scientific Exchange, The Winter Plasma Conference, Pittcon, The ACS National Meeting, and The ACS Central Regional Meeting.
Daniel first worked with CET&L from 2016-2017 as a graduate assistant, before joining as an assistant director in 2019. Daniel directs efforts related to technology and the classroom. Daniel’s work focuses on helping faculty integrate technology throughout their curriculum. This includes helping faculty use technology in the classroom, design content that enhances students’ digital literacy, and create engaging online courses. His other interests include writing pedagogy and innovative pedagogies. Daniel leads workshops, faculty learning communities, and reading groups focused on these and other topics and is available for individual and group consultation.
Daniel’s research focuses on how students utilize digital literacies in a variety of contexts. In particular, he is interested in how students learn digital literacies and then apply those literacies in non-technological spaces.
Daniel has also designed and taught numerous courses at the University of Cincinnati. He currently teaches composition and previously taught courses focused on technology and literature, American literature after the Civil War, and comic books.
Daniel’s scholarly work has been published in journals such as the European Journal of American Culture and the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. He also has a book chapter on the affective labor of working with students forthcoming in Terms of Service: Affective Labor and Alt-Ac Careers, an edited collection published by the University of Kansas Press.
Matthew joined CET&L in 2024 as an Associate Director. He directs efforts related to online learning and teaching. Beyond online education, he specializes in alternative assessment, e-accessibility, and artificial intelligence.
Matthew holds a Ph.D. in History and an M.S. in Education and has additional experience in educational technology and digital research. He has experience teaching college, high school, and adult learners in face-to-face and online classrooms. He has developed and taught courses on the American Revolution and the American Civil War.
Melissa Kessel
Executive Staff Assistant, CET&L
Langsam Library 480B
Melissa joined CET&L in 2019. She is the primary contact for the Center and the first person you’ll reach when you have questions about CET&L and the services they provide. Additionally, she provides administrative, communication, and financial support for the Center staff in support of their academic mission.
Prior to working with CET&L, Melissa spent 6 years working with elementary, middle, and high school students in Cincinnati Public Schools. She has also spent time overseas in Japan working as an English teacher. Melissa is passionate about education and when she is not in her office, you can either find her in Japanese class or in the country itself.
Our Partners
- Academy of Fellows for Teaching & Learning
- Learning Commons
- UC Libraries
- Digital Technology Solutions
- Faculty Enrichment Center
- Student Affairs
- Office of Advising & Academic Services
- UCBA Teaching & Learning Center
- Honors & UC International
- Career Education
- Faculty Senate
- Graduate School
- UC Online
- UC Clermont Center for Faculty Engagement
- UC Clermont Center for Teaching, Learning & Innovation