Learn to Make Feta Cheese

Discover the art of cheese making, it's easier than you think! Learn to make your favorite cheeses and pair them with other foods based on taste, texture and presentation. 

block of feta cheese

Cheesemaking: Greek Feta

Monday, June 24, 6:30-8:30PM
Monday, July 8, 6:30-8:30PM
$119 / One Class

Instructor: Eduardo Rodriguez
Location: Victory Parkway Campus

Learn to make a cheese that is believed to have originated more than 6000 years ago in Greece. Traditionally made from a mixture of goat’s and ewe’s milk every family would make their own unique feta and keep it in brine in their pantry. In this class, you will have hands-on experience working with the curds and pressing them into the molds to drain off excess moisture. The cheese squares are then salted and dried for a few days, before they are submerged in a salty brine where they are good for several weeks or months. After that, you can enjoy this cheese as a tasty companion for all your summer dishes!

About Your Instructor

Headshot of Eduardo Rodriquez

Eduardo Rodriquez

Eduardo is an Agricultural Engineer with a passion for natural healthy food, which comes from his family traditions and interest to learn and experience the food and culture everywhere he travels.