Learn to Make Ricotta Cheese

Discover the art of cheese making, it's easier than you think! Learn to make your favorite cheeses and pair them with other foods based on taste, texture and presentation. 

bowl of ricotta cheese

Cheesemaking: Ricotta

Monday, June 17, 6:30 - 8:30PM
Monday, July 22, 6:30 - 8:30PM
$75 / One Class

Instructor: Eduardo Rodriquez
Location: Victory Parkway Campus

This class will teach you the basics of Ricotta cheese making the natural way! This delicious fluffy and mild cheese originates in Italy and is naturally low in fat in comparison to other cheeses. It is also very versatile and used in both savory and sweet dishes. In class, we'll enjoy making (and tasting) some classic recipes with the ricotta we have made, including herbed spreads, stuffed pasta, and pastries!

About Your Instructor

Headshot of Eduardo Rodriquez

Eduardo Rodriquez


Eduardo is an Agricultural Engineer with a passion for natural healthy food, which comes from his family traditions and interest to learn and experience the food and culture everywhere he travels.