Gardening With Nature: The New American Landscape

Learn balanced gardening with a focus on native and cultivated plants and discover the importance of the winter garden in Cincinnati.

Cincinnati Nature Center native garden walk

Gardening with Nature: The New American Landscape. A Balanced Approach to Garden Design.

Wednesday, May 29 - June 12, 6:00 - 7:30PM
$75 / Three Classes

Instructor: Jennifer Smith  
Location: Victory Parkway Campus

Planting with nature. We’ll take a balanced approach to planting with nature where native and cultivated plants work in harmony to create a landscape that supports pollinators and birds. Students will be introduced to modern garden innovators who are influencing how we approach garden design when planting with nature. Jennifer will pull from her more than 20 years of gardening with nature to instruct how to evaluate, design, and implement a garden designed with nature. We will take an in-depth look at plant selection and garden care. One class will be spent on-site at an extensive pollinator garden designed by Jennifer. Discover plants that thrive in Cincinnati. Learn the importance of the winter garden: the often-forgotten garden season.

About Your Instructors:

Headshot of Jennifer Smith

Jennifer Smith

award winning pollinator garden designer and educator at Wimberg Landscaping, boasts over 20 years of gardening expertise, having designed the Wimberg Pollinator Garden and contributed as a former garden blogger for Horticulture Magazine.