Arts & Handicrafts

students embroidering

Lose yourself in learning something creative! Communiversity is a great way to explore different artforms and crafts and find out what you like best. There's something for everyone to discover their own creativity or expand their skills. Learn from our expert instructors and fellow students, while you have a ton of fun!

Find a Class You'll Love!

Painting and Drawing
Course Title   Start Date Enroll
Classic Watercolor 07/20/2024 Enroll Now
Drawing Level 2 06/06/2024 Enroll Now
Intro to Queer Comics 07/22/2024 Enroll Now
Paint like the Masters; Acrylic Painting 07/20/2024 Enroll Now
Plein Air Painting 07/27/2024 Enroll Now
Watercolor Layering Technique 06/15/2024 Enroll Now
Stained Glass Classes
Course Title   Start Date Enroll
4th of July Intro to Stained Glass 06/22/2024 Enroll Now
Make Mosaics 06/08/2024 Enroll Now

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