Employers hiring  talent from the CTAP program

Employer Partners: Cincinnati Talent Acceleration Program

Graduates of the Cincinnati Talent Acceleration program are ready to work.

ctap student smiling

Employers within Cincinnati and across our state need access to talent – specifically, digitally skilled talent to maintain and grow their enterprises. Meanwhile, there are unemployed and underemployed individuals
seeking a way to attain a marketable skill set to improve their earning potential and quality of life.

There is an opportunity to bridge the gap between these needs, and it exists with the University of Cincinnati Talent Acceleration program.

A path for digitally skilled talent to thrive.

ctap logo

This unique opportunity leverages the strengths of UC and several organizations to increase the digitally-skilled talent pool with individuals at all levels to empower them with the in-demand skills needed by today’s employers.

Robust partnerships with the Cincinnati Innovation District and Microsoft and  have uniquely positioned the University of Cincinnati to offer training opportunities that not only cultivate skilled talent, but also provide them with the support they need to be successful in our program.

The program is part of the Ohio Deptartment of Higher Education Aspire program made possible by a grant through the the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

How employers can get involved.

Hire CTAP graduates with Industry-Recognized Credentials

business people shaking hands

If you are an employer who needs access to talent with Industry-Recognized Credentials, please contact Sara Betts.

Workplace Education Programs

Want to upskill your existing workforce? Consider  partnering with UC Aspire to develop a workplace  education program. Training encompasses basic and higher-order skills and can be customized to meet company goals and customer needs.

Additional partnership opportunities

The Cincinnati Talent Acceleration Program is made possible by a generous collaboration with the organizations of the Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio,  Cincinnati Innovation District, Microsoft, The Ohio Department of Higher Education, and Community Action/Cincinnati & Hamilton Co.

CTAP is part of the Ohio Deptartment of Higher Education Aspire program and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. 

We welcome additional non-profit organzations to list their services that are available to the students in this program. Please email ctap@uc.edu with information on the services you offer and we will review for posting as a link on this website. Thank you!