Education and Outreach

The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) provides training and education to the university community. Workshops can be custom-designed to address the specific needs and interest of the audience. Please email if you'd like to request a training.

OEO is to ensure compliance with affirmative action regulations and implementation of equitable hiring practices at UC. In large part, we fulfill these compliance obligations through provision of assistance and education to search committees/hiring units and auditing of institutional personnel processes.

The following services provided by our office may greatly benefit your search process:

  • Search committee education (available as individual consultations and/or committee/group sessions)
  • On demand applicant pool diversity tracking and progress towards goals
  • Review of search processes and screening tools (i.e. interview questions, rubrics, job postings and other applicant materials for job-relatedness and avoidance of implicit/explicit bias)
  • Consultation on search questions/process, compliance expectations and diversity strategies.

The EO Academy is a 1 year, 10 class in-house certificate program. The EO Academy provides continuous learning from subject matter experts throughout the year which involves core foundational courses (LEVEL 1), advance courses (LEVEL 2) and elective coursework. The goal of the EO Academy is to increase participants’ knowledge and skills in the field of affirmative action and equal opportunity. In addition, the EO Academy provide participants the opportunity to network, build relationships with campus partners and other human resource professionals; and affords participants the experience of mentorship.

Course Descriptions:

EO Analytics:  Applicant Pool Diversity Tracking

This interactive course instructs the participant on accesssing and navigating the Applicant Pool Report found in SuccessFactors.  In addition, the participant will learn how to analyze the diversity of their applicant pool against diversity goals and market data. 

Developing and Applying Rubrics 

This interactive course instructs the participant on how to develop job related interview questions. This course is designed to increase participant’s skills to effectively guide search committee members on developing job related questions based on essential functions and job qualifications. 

Designing Job Related Interview Questions

This interactive course instructs the participant on how to develop job related interview questions.  This course is designed to increase participant’s skills to effectively guide search committee members on developing job related questions based on essential functions and job qualifications. 

Affirmative Action Plan 1 (AAP 1): Data Driven Action

This interactive course is designed to educate participants on four key elements (1) what is an AAP and the components of the AAP; (2) how to identify themes within data and to serve as an advocate of affirmative action; (3) connections between OEOA and your business area.

Veterans Affairs

This interactive course is designed to educate participants on (1) who are protected veterans; (2) how to recruit and hire qualified veterans into the workforce; and (3) programming and resources available to support and retain veterans in the workplace.

Affirmative Action Plan 2 (AAP 2): Personnel Activities and Pay Equity

This interactive course is designed to educate participants on four key elements (1)define equitable personnel activity & pay equity (2) use personnel data to drive action (3) review process for making equitable personnel decisions (4) connections between OEOA and your business area.

Succession Planning

Succession Planning is the commitment to intentional planning and inclusive strategic practices to identify and develop the next generation of workers at the University of Cincinnati.  This course will discuss succession planning; factors to consider when developing a plan; and identifying and removing barriers critical to ensure seamless movement of talent at UC. 

Accessibility and Workplace Accommodations

This coursewill cover the various responsibilities that we ensure that staff and faculty with disabilities have full access and equal opportunity to contribute to and benefit from employment at the University of Cincinnati. Topics to be covered include the legal framework for disability Civil Rights; the rights and responsibilities of employees, managers and the university at large; and strategies for promoting disability inclusion in the recruitment, hiring and retention process.

Resources and Mentorship: Faculty and Staff

The University of Cincinnati, a research 1 institution, realizes the impact teaching, research and service can have on the community and the world. UC strives to attract and retain highly skilled diverse faculty and staff to fulfil its mission. This course will discuss resources and mentoring available to support and develop UC’s workforce.

Creating a Culture of Inclusion and Gender Equity Issues

A commitment to inclusion is an important and necessary step towards furthering cultural competence at the University of Cincinnati. This course will cover best practices for culturally aware campus engagement, individual and institutional responsibilities in the prevention and remediation of prohibited conduct, and campus resources administering institutional nondiscrimination and anti-harassment policy. Participants will explore a discussion of inclusion practices under University Policy and innovative ways to address the University’s commitment to building cultural competence on campus. This course will overview UC’s Office of Gender Equity & Inclusion (Title IX). Participants will learn about the policy, the investigatory process and individual and institutional responsibilities in the prevention and remediation of prohibited conduct. 

If you have questions, please contact the Office of Equal Opportunityvia email at or by phone 513.556.3349


Equal Opportunity at UC: Anti-Harassment/Non-Discrimination Workshop

Tuesday, January 23, 2024, 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm, Virtual
Thursday, February 15, 2024, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm, Virtual
Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm, Tangeman University Center 425

This 90-minute seminar provides foundational information on UC policy, expectations, and procedures for ensuring equity and inclusion across the campus community.  We will discuss best practices for culturally aware campus engagement, individual and institutional responsibilities in the prevention and remediation of prohibited conduct, and campus resources administering institutional nondiscrimination and anti-harassment policy.  We will discusses efforts by UC to prevent and remediate prohibited conduct, plus how to discuss strategies for building and maintaining inclusive living, learning, and working environments at UC.


Renewing Our Commitment to Greater Cultural Competence

Thursday, April 11, 2024, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm, Tangeman University Center 425

A commitment to inclusion is important and necessary to further cultural competence at the UC. Via interactive dialogue and collaborative engagement, presenters will discuss best practices for culturally aware campus engagement, individual and institutional responsibilities in the prevention and remediation of prohibited conduct, and campus resources administering institutional nondiscrimination and anti-harassment policy. We will explore inclusive practices and innovative ways to build cultural competence on campus.


Brandon Craig, J.D., Interim Executive Director for Non-Discrimination Policy Administration

Liz Tussey, Equal Opportunity Program Coordinator

Accommodations and Assistance

If you require an accommodation or other assistance to participate, please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity, 513-556-3349 or

Register Now

Register Now on Faculty Development | OneStop

This workshop is an introduction to OEO's services, policies, and procedures.