Make a Report
The University of Cincinnati is committed to providing safe ways for all community members to report discrimination and misconduct to the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO).
If you are experiencing an emergency situation, call 911 to reach the police.
Please be advised that information submitted through this form may not be reviewed outside of normal business hours.
This form is to be used to report allegations of discrimination and/or harassment, sexual misconduct, and campus climate concerns.
Discrimination and/or Harassment
The University of Cincinnati prohibits discrimination, harassment, and retaliation . The University of Cincinnati does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, military status (including veteran status), ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, parental status (including status as a foster parent), or any other status protected by law (collectively, “protected class”), in its academic, education, and employment programs and activities.
Sexual Misconduct
The University of Cincinnati’s Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Sex- and/or Gender-Based Misconduct Policy prohibit discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex. Sexual misconduct includes all forms of sex discrimination, including sexual assault, stalking, dating or domestic violence, sex-based harassment, and sex-based discrimination including discrimination based on sexual orientation, sex stereotypes and pregnancy.
Campus Climate Concerns
The University of Cincinnati is committed to providing a living, learning, and working environment that is equitable, inclusive, and welcoming. Campus climate concerns may include actions that impact anyone in the community based on their identity, or that may negatively impact someone’s ability to live, work, or learn on campus. The University’s response to campus climate concerns does not prohibit or discourage the free exchange of ideas in the campus community or otherwise prohibit protected speech.
Please fill out as much information as possible based on your knowledge of the situation
Reports may also be made to the University of Cincinnati Police Department at (513) 556-1111, 51 West Corry Blvd. Reports may be made simultaneously to law enforcement and the Title IX Coordinator.
Anonymous Reporting
Reports can be submitted anonymously using the information below. It is important to know, however, that the university’s ability to investigate and respond to anonymous reports is limited.
Anonymous Reporting Hotline
You may also report conduct anonymously through UC's anonymous reporting hotline at 1-800-889-1547.
You can find more information about reporting a concern to the university’s compliance hotline on UC's Anonymous Reporting page.