Call for Proposals
Session Formats (All sessions, including time for Q&A, will take place in 50 minutes timeslots)
Standard Presentation Session (1-2 people):
A focused, interactive session is encouraged with clear objectives and learning outcomes for the audience.
Standard Presentation Session with Vendor (1-3 people):
Similar to the standard presentation but will include speakers from a college/university and a vendor discussing work on which they have collaborated. Note that the college/university must actually submit the proposal and submissions with the vendor listed as the lead presenter on the proposal will not be accepted.
Panel Session (3 people)
Rather than a series of short, individual presentations, panel sessions should be genuinely interactive among the panelists, and also between the panelists and the audience. The panelists can develop different perspectives or discuss various aspects of the topic.
Roundtable Session
Roundtable discussions will be moderated on predetermined topics.
Vendors registered at the Diamond or Platinum level may submit a proposal without a college/university member.