Info for Employers
Employers looking to hire Federal Work-Study (FWS) students utilize the same process as hiring other student workers. The advantage to employing offices is that the department student payroll account is assessed 25% of wages and the Federal Work-Study program will be assessed 75%.
The 2024-25 school year employment period ends May 3, 2025.
The 2025 summer employment period runs from May 4, 2025 to August 16, 2025.
The 2025-26 school year employment period can begin no earlier than August 17, 2025 and end no later than May 2, 2026.
The 2026 summer employment period will be from May 3, 2026 to August 18, 2026.
Dates and Grant account numbers used when hiring are noted below.
Please note: Because summer FWS extends over two fiscal years, two PCR’s will be needed for students if hiring before July 1 and continuing work in summer. To complete these PCR’s, make one with end date of the student to June 30th. The second PCR should have dates of July 1 to the end of summer or until the end of the academic year for students awarded FWS for the academic year on his or her award package and you wish to continue hiring.
Posting a Position
On-campus employers looking to post a vacancy will use Handshake. Jobs posted as "Work-Study Student" are available only to students awarded Federal Work-Study as part of their financial aid package. The student is required to attach a copy of their Award Offer when applying as confirmation of work-study.
Work-study positions should be posted as non-recruitment events. Your organizational unit has a single work-study posting, and all work-study students hired will occupy the same position.
Off-campus agencies need to work with the Work-Study Senior Advisor in Student Financial Aid to post positions as described further under Community Work-Study.
NOTE: Jobs listed as "Student Worker" can be filled with non-work-study students or, with the approval of the Work-Study Senior Advisor, be filled with a work-study student. You can always check a student's for eligibility for work-study with the Senior Advisor.
Hiring a Student
New hires are made through the online posting and job application process of Handshake as described above. You may also elect to use the "Quicklink" option if a work-study position is open only to specified applicants.
Rehiring students to their former work-study job can be done via the PCR.
- Continuing from a currently active PCR (summer work-study employment): Use the Recurring Payments-Change function and update the end date based on the academic and summer dates noted above.
- Last PCR expired (student ended employment with last academic year): Use the Recurring Payments-New function with appropriate work-study accounts and dates from those listed above.
- Termination PCR previously completed: Student would need to be hired via Handshake.
Hiring approvals or PCRs will pass through Student Financial Aid for work-study eligibility review. If eligible, the hiring or PCR process will continue through the normal approval steps. If the student is not eligible for hire under work-study, the department will be notified by Student Financial Aid.
Accounts needed for any work during the 2024-25 fiscal year running July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025:
- FWS Uptown: Fund G180006 Grant 1020629
- FWS UCBA: Fund G180010 Grant 1020630
- FWS Clermont: Fund G180011 Grant 1020631
Accounts needed for any work during the 2025-26 fiscal year running July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026:
- FWS Uptown: Fund G180006 Grant 1021744
- FWS UCBA: Fund G180010 Grant 1021745
- FWS Clermont: Fund G180011 Grant 1021746
In all cases, you will use your own department's Cost Center number.
Employer Responsibilities
As a FWS employer, you are required to ensure that the student does not earn beyond their FWS award (generally $3,000 for the academic year and $2,500 for summer). The FWS award amount limit is therefore the gross salary amount combining the 25% departmental and 75% work-study funded portions.
Students and employers must keep a careful record of earnings. Students who exceed their award will need to be paid 100% by departmental payroll funds for hours worked beyond their award. Departments that cannot handle the additional cost may have to adjust student work hours in order to remain within an earning range for the period of employment desired.
Students may be employed in more than one position. However, they may not work over 24 hours per week in a single or a combination of university positions. Employers hiring students working multiple UC student positions (work-study as well as departmental) should work to coordinate hours and prevent exceeding work-study awarded earnings.
While the on-campus payroll process is used for clocking in and out, empolying departments must maintain supporting documentation time worked. Copies must be kept on file with the employer for 5 years. During annual financial aid audits, copies of time sheets and supporting documentation may be requested by Student Financial Aid.
Because work-study is an aid source, enrollment is required. Students who completely withdraw from classes for a term must cease working effective the date of withdrawal. A good practice is to verify each student's enrollment each semester. The only enrollment exceptions are for break periods when enrollment will occur the following term and summer as long as fall enrollment is planned.
Work-study was originally designed as an employment program within a student's area of study, yet students now often work in areas unrelated to their major. The "work-study" title does not indicate students will be able to study while working.
It is a great practice to complete a minor orientation process to familiarize students with the time system, payroll system, and overall expectations within the new position. Below you will find links to instructions that will assist in this process.
Please contact the FWS Senior Advisor if you need any of the following:
- Time Sheet
- Instructions for Clocking In and Out
- How to Check Your Paystub
- How to Check Your Timecard
- Bi-Weekly Payroll and Payment Schedule
- Assistance with determining if your position is eligible for work-study hiring, reviewing a student case, or answering FWS payroll-related matters
If you are a non-profit organization and seek to hire FWS students, please review information detailing the process for off-campus employers before contacting the FWS Senior Advisor.
If you need assistance with Handshake or the overall hiring process, contact your office or department’s Hiring Manager for assistance or call the Human Resources Service Center at 513-556-6381.