Financial Aid

Off-Campus Employment

Some students prefer to work off-campus. There are many opportunities to do so in the Clifton area where UC's central campus is located. As well, a plentiful job market for the Greater Cincinnati area allows students to work part- or full-time jobs while attending school.

While most work-study positions are on-campus, there are a limited number of off-campus opportunities available. Work-study jobs, available to persons awarded work-study as part of their financial aid package, are posted online

Job Location Service

Within Experience-Based Learning and Career Education (ELCE), there is a Job Location and Development program that specifically assists students find off-campus employment. The office seeks and posts many employment opportunities.

ELCE is located in Steger Center, 7th floor. Students can schedule an appointment with an advisor in Handshake.  

This service is open to all UC students who desire employment, regardless of financial status.