UC Alert: Due to inclement weather, University of Cincinnati campuses will close from 7 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 7 until 7 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 8.

Fleet Safety

What is the Fleet Safety Program?

The risks associated with motorized vehicle use are high, both in monetary and human costs. With a fleet of over 300 vehicles ranging in size and use, safety becomes a top priority. Working with Transportation and other stakeholders, we have established a fleet safety program to provide information and guidelines to employees, students, affiliates and volunteers regarding responsibilities for the safe operation of the University's insured vehicles. The goal is to promote the safe operation of motorized vehicles and to minimize the risks of unsafe, impaired or distracted driving to the community at large.  Two key components of this program are Driver Authorization through the use of Motor Vehicle Reports and the Accident Review Committee.

Driver Authorization

In order to ensure top safety to our drivers, passengers and community, Enterprise Risk Management will obtain a motor vehicle report prior to authorizing new drivers, and on a periodic basis while the driver is employed in a driving capacity. Drivers are also required to alert management of any changes to their driving status in the interim.

Accident Review Committee

The Accident Review Committee (ARC), includes members from Transportation Services, Facilities Management, Environmental Health and Safety, Public Safety and Athletics. The ARC meets to review and evaluate accidents involving University insured vehicles and to monitor for loss control opportunities.

The goal of the ARC is to prevent future accidents by using education and review. Drivers involved in an accident are requested to attend, allowing the opportunity for all persons to learn and become better drivers. 

Traveling for Business?

It is highly recommended that University faculty, staff or students traveling for the purpose of conducting University business use a rental car.  Transportation Services can facilitate your rental reservation or provide the University's rental code for approved vendors.

Traveling in a personal vehicle may result in the driver's insurance becoming the primary payor in the event of an incident.


Next Steps

Requests for information on driver authorization can be directed to the Enterprise Risk Management office by completing our Ask a Risk Manager form.
