Social Avatars & Digital Badges

A social avatar is the image that accompanies your social profile, serving as a visual representation of your unit. The social avatar for official University of Cincinnati accounts features a white UC monogram over a red background. This is one of the only approved allowances for the monogram to stand alone.

It is recommended that all colleges capitalize on this look. These avatars additionally feature a shorthand for the college beneath the monogram which is specially approved for this use.

Some non-college units are approved on a case-by-case basis for an official social avatar. These avatars are differentiated from college avatars by a variant color scheme.

Official social avatars must be created by Marketing + Communications. Marketing + Communications develops and provides these assets to the appropriate social apex user.

Accounts which do not qualify for an official social avatar as detailed above may elect to create their own social avatar. 

If you create a custom avatar you should

  • Observe compliance with general brand guidelines.
  • Ensure colors and contrast meet accessibility standards.
  • Consider legibility. These avatars are often viewed on mobile devices.
  • Submit to the brand review committee for advice and approval

Social Avatar Exceptions

  • Avatars include acronyms as identifiers within a small space. The use of acronyms is not recommended or appropriate in all small space solutions.
  • Only Athletics accounts are permitted to use the C-Paw.

Accompanying account naming conventions

  • To connect with the existing University of Cincinnati brand, approved UC social accounts on LinkedIn and Facebook should be named starting with “University of Cincinnati ____” and on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok “@uc_” or “@uc” or “uofcincy”