Definition of a Retiree Policy

Policy Number: 12.02
Category: Human Resources

Effective Date: 01/01/2018
Owner: Sr. VP for Administration and Finance
Policy Applicable for: Classified and Unclassified Employees
Responsible Office: Human Resources


To define a University Retiree


An employee whose university employment terminates shall be considered “retired” if the employee satisfies such age and/or service or disability criteria and receives the requisite approval as outlined on the grid.


The primary department is responsible for submitting a PCR indicating retirement as the reason for the separation. The retirement status will be reviewed and approved by the UC HR Department before processing.

HR Retirement Policy Chart

The following grids set forth the retirement eligibility standard for different purposes and employee classifications:

HR Retirement Policy - Faculty

The table outlines the HR Retirement Policy for Faculty
Qualification STRS Defined Benefit STRS Combined STRS DC
To begin receiving Retirement Plan Benefits Must meet age and service requirements found at www/ (depends on retirement date) Age 50 for DC and age 60 with 5 years of service for DB
Age 50; no service requirement
To retire from UC and receive post- retirement university benefits*
Eligible to receive defined benefit retirement benefits from STRS DB or STRS Combined
  • Have 10+ years of continuous UC service at the time of retirement and
    • Eligible to receive STRS DC retirement benefits or
    • Approved for long-term disability benefits by the university’s LTD carrier
  • Have been approved for disability retirement by STRS (no service requirement)

Eligible to receive defined benefit retirement benefits from STRS DB or STRS Combined

  • Have 10+ years of continuous UC service at the time of retirement and
    • Eligible to receive STRS DC retirement benefits or
    • Approved for long-term disability benefits by the university’s LTD carrier
  • Have been approved for disability retirement by STRS (no service requirement)
Eligible to receive defined benefit retirement benefits from STRS DB or STRS Combined
  • Have 10+ years of continuous UC service at the time of retirement and
    • Eligible to receive STRS DC retirement benefits or
    • Approved for long-term disability benefits by the university’s LTD carrier
  • Have been approved for disability retirement by STRS (no service requirement)
For Sick Leave Payout
Eligible to receive STRS retirement benefits and have 10+ years of total state service at the time of retirement Eligible to receive STRS retirement benefits and have 10+ years of total state service at the time of retirement Eligible to receive STRS retirement benefits and have 10+ years of total state service at the time of retirement

* For information pertaining to current UC post-retirement university benefits refer to 12/8/2017

HR Retirement Policy - Staff

The table outlines the HR Retirement Policy for Staff
Qualification PERS Traditional PERS Combined PERS Member Directed
To begin receiving Retirement Plan Benefits Must meet age and service requirements found at www/ Members/retire/ index.shtml (depends on group) Must meet age and service requirements found at www/ Members/retire/ index.shtml (depends on group) Age 55; no service requirement
To retire from UC and receive post- retirement university benefits*

Eligible to receive defined benefit retirement benefits from PERS Traditional or PERS Combined

  • Have 10+ years of continuous UC service at the time of retirement and
    • Eligible to receive PERS Member Directed retirement benefits or
    • Approved for long-term disability benefits by the university’s LTD carrier
  • Have been approved for disability retirement by PERS (no service requirement)
Eligible to receive defined benefit retirement benefits from PERS Traditional or PERS Combined
  • Have 10+ years of continuous UC service at the time of retirement and
    • Eligible to receive PERS Member Directed retirement benefits or
    • Approved for long-term disability benefits by the university’s LTD carrier
  • Have been approved for disability retirement by PERS (no service requirement)
Eligible to receive defined benefit retirement benefits from PERS Traditional or PERS Combined
  • Have 10+ years of continuous UC service at the time of retirement and
    • Eligible to receive PERS Member Directed retirement benefits or
    • Approved for long-term disability benefits by the university’s LTD carrier
  • Have been approved for disability retirement by PERS (no service requirement)
For Sick Leave Payout
Eligible to receive PERS retirement benefits and have 10+ years of total state service at the time of retirement Eligible to receive PERS retirement benefits and have 10+ years of total state service at the time of retirement Eligible to receive PERS retirement benefits and have 10+ years of total state service at the time of retirement

* For information pertaining to current UC post-retirement university benefits refer to 12/8/2017

HR Retirement Policy - Faculty/Staff

The table outlines the HR Retirement Policy for Faculty/Staff
Qualification ARP
To begin receiving Retirement Plan Benefits Any age, withdrawals before age 59-1⁄2 may be subject to federal tax penalty
To retire from UC and receive post- retirement university benefits*
  • Age 65
  • Have 10+ years of continuous UC service at the time of retirement and
    • At least age 60 or
    • Approved for long-term disability benefits by the university’s LTD carrier
For Sick Leave Payout

Have 10+ years of total state service at the time of retirement and

  • At least age 60 or
  • Approved for long-term disability benefits by the university’s LTD carrier

* For information pertaining to current UC post-retirement university benefits refer to 12/8/2017