Non-Discrimination Policy
Policy Number: 11.01
Category: Human Resources
Effective Date: 04/26/2024
Owner: VP for Equity & Inclusion, & Community Impact
Policy Applicable for: Faculty/Staff
Enabling Act(s): University Rule 10-13-01
Responsible Office: Office of Equal Opportunity, Human Resources, Office of the Provost
This policy applies to all faculty and staff (collectively, “employees”).
The University of Cincinnati (the “University”) is committed to ensuring equal opportunity for all employees and qualified applicants and providing an environment free from discrimination in accordance with applicable law.
The University has a responsibility to provide a non-discriminatory and harassment free environment for employees, students, and others it serves. The University takes this responsibility seriously, and will not knowingly permit discriminatory harassment, as defined herein. This means employees (including student workers) may be subject to discipline for discriminatory harassment as prohibited by University policy.
The resources of the University, including those supplied by the Office of the University Ombuds, the Provost, and the Office of Equity & Inclusion are available to assist and support those who have been subject to discriminatory harassment.
Concerns related to discrimination should be reported to the Office of Equal Opportunity (“OEO”).
- The OEO shall investigate and resolve reports according to OEO’s practices and procedures. Applicable collective bargaining agreement provisions may apply for represented employees.
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Phone Contacts
Office of Equal Opportunity (513) 556-5503