Outplacement Services Policy
Policy Number: 16.08
Category: Human Resources
Prior Effective Date: 06/13/2018
Owner: Sr. VP for Administration and Finance
Policy Applicable for: Unclassified Employees
Responsible Office: Human Resources
This policy applies to employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement or for whom the agreement contains no provision regarding this subject.
- Outplacement services will be available to regular employees who have been continuously employed for two (2) or more years and who are involuntarily terminated due to reduction in force. Employees with a contract outlining the terms of employment with end dates are excluded. Employees hired on grant funded positions and Post Doctorial Fellows are not eligible for Outplacement Services.
- The department is responsible for funding the costs associated with the outplacement services, for three (3) months, and must be coordinated through Human Resources. Contact Human Resources CHRO to request exceptions to funding for outplacement services.
- The department will contact Human Resources Labor Relations to ensure eligibility and review of the official letter of communication to the impacted employee(s) before communicating with the employee(s). The letter should include direction to the impacted employee to initiate the services if applicable.
- Human Resources provides assistance and details to the department about accessing outplacement services.
Phone Contacts
Office of Human Resources: (513) 556-6372