Postdoctoral Appointments Policy

Policy Number: 16.13
Category: Human Resources

Effective Date: 12/31/2013
Prior Effective Date: 03/01/2004
Owner: Provost; Vice President for Research
Policy Applicable for: Postdoctoral Fellows
Responsible Office: Research; Academic Health Center; Provost


Postdoctoral training is an important component of the educational and research missions of the university. The university is committed to providing opportunities for well-qualified individuals to continue their development and training as Postdoctoral Fellows.


  1. Postdoctoral Fellow – An individual who has recently completed a Ph.D., M.D., M.D./Ph.D. or comparable degree, and whose goal is to acquire additional training and experience in order to enter a career in academia and/or research. The work performed is predominately intellectual, involving discretion and judgment, and requiring knowledge of an advanced type in a field of science or learning customarily acquired by a prolonged course of study in a institution of higher learning.
  2. Faculty Mentor – An individual who supervises and oversees the work of the Fellow.


  1. Postdoctoral Fellows serve temporary appointments, and work under the supervision of a faculty mentor who is responsible for the Fellow’s fiscal and intellectual activities. The title of Postdoctoral Fellow shall be the sole title used for postdoctoral trainees regardless of the source of funding.
  2. Appointments shall be in writing, signed by the faculty mentor and the department head, and shall indicate the Fellow’s responsibilities, term of appointment, and initial salary. All appointment letters will be forwarded for review to the Office of the Provost or Office of Faculty Affairs.
  3. Appointments shall not exceed five (5) years; however, short extensions may be granted when necessary to complete a critical research project.
  4. No advance notice is required for termination for cause of a Fellow. A minimum of one month's notice is required for termination in cases of program, grant or funding discontinuation or expiration, financial exigency and job abolishment due to financial exigency. Such terminations are not grievable.
  5. During the appointment, the faculty mentor shall provide oversight and must approve all research and scholarly activities proposed by the Fellow.
  6. The Fellow is expected to publish the results of his/her research in conjunction with his/her faculty mentor.
  7. The administration of Fellow programs and assisting with job placement is the responsibility of the department in conjunction with the faculty mentor.
  8. Department heads, in conjunction with the faculty, are responsible for the general oversight of the quality of research and training of the Fellows in their departments.
  9. The activities of Fellows are subject to all university policies, applicable to unclassified, unrepresented employees. This includes the policy regarding intellectual property.
  10. Post Doc Fellows receive university benefits afforded to the Post Doc Fellow position and the policy regarding the grievance procedure for unrepresented employees.

Related Links

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Phone Contacts

  • Research: 513-558-0026
  • Provost: 513-556-2588
  • AHC: 513-558-6052
  • Benefits: 513-558-6382