Separation Policy
Policy Number: 12.05
Category: Human Resources
Effective Date: 05/01/2017
Owner: Sr. VP for Administration and Finance
Policy Applicable for: Classified and Unclassified Employees
Responsible Office: Human Resources, Payroll Operations
This policy applies to employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement or for whom the agreement contains no provision regarding this subject.
An employee whose employment with the University is ending is required to participate in a separation process. The administrative unit is responsible for initiating the separation process. Separating employees may also be asked to participate in an anonymous online exit survey.
The Human Resources department conducts pre-retirement consultations with interested faculty and staff.
Upon receiving notice of an employee’s pending employment separation, the administrative unit acknowledges the employee separation in writing and initiates the separation process, including the Separation Clearance Form.
The administrative unit submits to the Human Resources department written documentation of the separation details and processes the Separation PCR.
The employee must provide a correct address of record. Separated employees may update their home address via ESS following separation of employment.
The administrative unit instructs the employee to return all departmental and university property to the office from which it was issued. All such equipment must be returned on or before the employee’s last day of employment in order for the employee to receive vacation and/or sick payouts, if applicable, on the first available payroll period after the employee receives final pay for time worked.
The employee completes and the administrative unit verifies the Separation Clearance Form.
The administrative unit directs retiring employees to arrange a pre-retirement counsultation session at the Human Resources department. The pre-retirement consultation should occur on or before the employee’s last scheduled work day.
The employee takes or sends the completed Separation Clearance Form to Human Resources department.
The employee’s final paycheck will be released on the next scheduled payroll date following the processing of the separation. If the Separation Clearance Form is submitted to Human Resources on or before the employee’s last day of work, the employee’s vacation and sick payouts, if applicable, will be paid on the first available payroll period after the employee receives final pay for time worked. If the form is not submitted on or before the employee’s last day of work, the employee’s vacation and sick payouts, if applicable, will be deferred until the second payroll after the employee receives final pay for time worked to ensure that the university can retrieve any university property the employee may possess.