Student Employment Policy
Policy Number: 16.12
Category: Human Resources
Effective Date: 01/01/2018
Owner: Sr. VP for Administration and Finance
Policy Applicable for: Classified and Unclassified Employees
Responsible Office: Human Resources, Student Financial Aid Office, International Services Office
The University of Cincinnati is committed to employing students to assist in meeting the needs of the university, and to providing students with financial support and academic or administrative experience while pursuing their academic goals. This policy addresses student recruitment, selection, compensation and other terms of student employment. All student records referred to in this policy are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and, as such, disclosure of such records is restricted.
- A “Student Employee” is an individual who is:
- At least 16 years of age;
- Enrolled at a post-secondary institution or a secondary school;
- Appointed as a Co-op Student, Student Employee, or Work StudyStudent;
- Enrolled at least part-time (one or more credit hours if at a postsecondary institution), with the exception of summer term, or will be a registered student during the next academic term.
- “Enrollment” shall include:
- The period between two successive terms for which the student is enrolled.
- The one “off” term in each academic year in which the student is not enrolled. Other than for international student employees, student employee status may be retained for one additional term following either graduation or withdrawal from enrollment. Co-op employment requires registration as a co-op student during any term of such employment.
The job duties and responsibilities of student employees vary greatly, and may or may not be related to their field of study. A student position cannot be changed to an ongoing regular position without following the applicable procedures for the creation of, and hiring for, a regular full-time or part time position.
Recruitment and Selection
- The hiring unit must adhere to all applicable federal and state employment laws when hiring student employees less than eighteen years of age.
- Students appointed to work-study positions must meet federal work study program eligibility requirements as determined by the Student Financial Aid office.
- Student employee appointments shall conform to the university policies regarding nepotism.
- Employment Authorization (I-9) and any other required employment forms must be completed and certified for all student employees before the first day of employment, but no later than three (3) business days of the date of employment.
Wages and Compensation
- Human Resources is responsible for establishing student employee pay ranges and applicable guidelines.
- All student employees must be paid at least the current minimum wage.
- Salary for student employees should not exceed comparative full-time staff.
- Bonuses may be awarded to student employees based on the criteria outlined in the Student Employee Bonus Policy (refer to Policy 14.19). Other lump sum and additional payments may not be awarded to student employees. Any academic awards or scholarships for students should be processed through Catalyst.
- Annual merit or across-the-board salary increases for student employees may be given to reflect the student’s grade level, i.e., second year, third year, or may be based on the student being given new, additional or more complex responsibilities. Students must have an acceptable performance record and have the ability to perform the assigned duties. Any exceptions must be approved by the Compensation Department.
Terms of Employment
Hours of Work and Overtime
- International students who are student employees are appointed on a temporary, part-time basis and may hold multiple student appointments provided the combination of appointments don’t exceed the hourly limitations below. All international students must have their on-boarding completed by UC International Services. For additional information please contact the university international Services office.
- All student employees other than co-op employees are appointed on a temporary, part-time basis and may hold multiple student appointments.
- Student employees are limited to 24 hours of service per week for the university while school is in session. All student employee appointments held by a student are counted against the 24 hour maximum. Students are limited to 40 hours of service per weeks during scheduled breaks.
- International students are limited to 20-hours of service per week while school is in session and 40 hours of service per week during scheduled breaks. Graduate Assistants are limited to 20 hours of service per week while school is in session. Graduate Assistants who hold a student employee position in addition to their Graduate Assistant position are limited to 4 hours of service per week in their student position while school is in session. See the Graduate Assistantship policy (16.16) for additional information.
- Departments are responsible for monitoring of hours worked by student employees assigned to their unit; this is especially important for students who hold multiple student appointments.
- Hourly student employees are considered non-exempt employees for purposes of determining overtime compensation. In the event a student works more than 40 hours in a work week, the overtime rate of one-andone-half times the regular hourly rate must be applied to the excess hours. If a student holding multiple assignments works more than 40 hours in a week, the overtime will be prorated among the multiple assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to seek prior approval to work overtime from all of the units in which he/she has an assignment. If a student works unauthorized overtime, he/she may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
- Co-op student employees will normally work 40 hours per week for the duration of the co-op experience. Co-op student employees may not hold multiple student appointments.
Vacation and Sick Leave
- Student employees do not accrue vacation, sick leave or other paid time off.
- Arrangements for time-off without pay are negotiated and approved within the employing unit, including time-off during academic break periods. Academic break periods are a function of the academic calendar, and do not relate to student employee work assignments.
- In the event of illness, a student employee shall notify his or her supervisor within thirty-minutes of the beginning of his or her shift.
Generally, student employees are not required to work on university-designated holidays, and they are not paid for the holiday. In those university offices where services are maintained on holidays, and students are scheduled to work, their pay is at the regular hourly rate. An opportunity should be offered to take an alternate day-off without pay within the pay period in which the holiday is observed.
Workers' Compensation
The Ohio Workers’ Compensation Law covers student employees. Workers’ Compensation provides medical, income and survivor benefits in the event of accidental injury, occupational disease or death occurring in the course of, and arising from, employment.
Student employees are not entitled to unemployment compensation.
Social Security and Medicare Tax
All employees of the university are exempt from the pension portion of social security. In addition, student employees enrolled on at least a half-time basis are exempt from Medicare tax withholding. The university is required to withhold the Medicare tax from the wages of student employees enrolled on a less than halftime basis. Co-op students are not eligible for the Medicare tax exemption. Consult Payroll for information regarding exemption eligibility.
Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
- Membership in the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) is optional for Student Employees and Work Study Students enrolled on at least a half-time basis at a qualifying institution. OPERS membership is mandatory for co-op students and student employees enrolled on less than a half-time basis in any quarter. OPERS membership requires a tax deferred payroll deduction. These deductions are remitted to OPERS for the purpose of accumulating service credit toward future retirement benefits.
- Student employees may request exemption from OPERS membership by completing an OPERS Request for Optional Exemption. The form must be completed and submitted to Human Resources within 30 days of covered employment. OPERS exemption requests will be honored for the duration of a student’s employment status unless enrollment drops to less than a half-time basis. In such cases, OPERS deductions will be withheld until sufficient credit hours are added in subsequent term(s). Co-op students are not eligible for the option exemption from OPERS.
- Upon termination of employment, student employees who participate in OPERS can either leave their accumulated contributions on deposit to qualify for future retirement benefits, or request a refund of their accumulated contributions and will be issued by OPERS. Refunds from OPERS are subject to federal and state income tax withholding, and reporting by OPERS is taxable income on IRS Form 1099R.
Jury Duty
Time used by a student in the performance of jury duty, or when summoned as a witness, shall be treated as an excused absence without pay.
A student employee is an at-will employee and may be terminated with or without cause, unless there is an explicit written contract between the student employee and the university that provides otherwise.
Military Duty
- A student employee who is a member of any reserve component of the United States Armed Forces, who is voluntarily or involuntarily ordered to extended U.S. military service, shall be granted time-off without pay.
- The student employee should provide to the supervisor advance written or verbal notice of the call for impending training or active duty.
- Upon completion of training, or if discharged under honorable conditions, and upon re-registration as a student, the student employee shall be returned to his or her former position in a timely manner, based on the availability of a student position. Due to the temporary nature of student employment, if the position is abolished during the student’s absence, then no obligation exists.
Oversight for the recruitment, selection and management of a student employee is the responsibility of the appropriate administrative authority within the various colleges, departments and offices.
Phone Contacts
- Human Resources: 513-556-6381
- Student Financial Aid: 513-556-1000
- Payroll: 513-556-2451