Termination of Unrepresented Unclassified Employee Policy

Policy Number: 15.05
Category: Human Resources

Effective Date: 02/28/2018
Owner: Sr. VP for Administration and Finance
Policy Applicable for: Faculty/Staff
Responsible Office: Human Resources


This policy applies to employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement or for whom the agreement contains no provision regarding this subject.


  1. Unclassified employees serve at will and may be terminated with cause or without cause.

  2. An unclassified employee may be terminated for violations of University work rules and policies.

  3. An unclassified employee may be terminated without cause after being given written notice.

  4. A minimum of one (1) month of notice for each completed year of service is given to an employee for termination without cause. The maximum notice period is six (6) months.

  5. The employee is expected to report for work as scheduled during the notice period.


  1. An administrative authority/supervisor who is considering termination of an unclassified employee should contact Labor & Employee Relations prior to taking such action.

  2. If the termination is without cause, the department administrator will meet with the employee to discuss the termination decision. The department administrator will provide written notice of termination to the employee at the close of the meeting.

  3. If the termination is for cause, the department administrator will meet with the employee and tell them the reasons for the termination. The employee should be given a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours to respond to alleged violations.

  4. The department will provide written notice of termination to the staff member at the close of the meeting unless further consideration of the employee’s response is required.

  5. If the notice of termination is not given to the employee at the close of the meeting, a follow up meeting should be scheduled, at which time the Department Manager should give the employee the written decision.

  6. The department should follow the procedures outlined in the Exit Process Policy 12.05.

Phone Contacts

Questions regarding this policy should be directed to Employee & Labor Relations at 513-556-6372