

It is the longtime goal of the Office of the Provost to support the professional development and achievements of faculty and staff.

As part of this important investment, the office ensures that these valued partners not only have access to the tools and resources that they need to succeed, but that those who truly excel are recognized for their contributions to the UC community.

The Office of the Provost sponsors the following awards:

Faculty to Faculty Research Mentoring
Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Office of Research, the Award for Faculty-to-Faculty Research Mentoring is intended to annually recognize outstanding faculty members in each college who have demonstrated research mentorship with faculty at various stages of their careers. Research mentorship may manifest itself in various forms, with the understanding that many times mentorship is discipline-specific, and these various forms of mentorship will be considered equally. Faculty are nominated by their dean or the dean’s designee.

Strategic Collaborative/Appointed Faculty Awards
As part of its continuing goal to support and invest in faculty, the Office of the Provost sponsors the Strategic Collaborative or Interdisciplinary Faculty Team Project Award and the Appointed or Elected Faculty Group Project Award to provide financial support for initiatives that promote faculty development. Faculty development consists of activities that improve the quality of teaching, research, scholarship, creative work, service, and leadership throughout the university, according to Article 24.1 of the collective bargaining unit. These awards may not be used to directly support research projects.

Award for Faculty Excellence
Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Office of Research, the Award for Faculty Excellence is intended to annually recognize outstanding faculty members in each college who represent excellence in all its forms. These awards are for those individuals nominated by their leadership in recognition for exceptional performance in their college or department during the past year. They may have done an outstanding job of service in an especially significant fashion; perhaps their research has received special recognition; or their teaching has been especially innovative or important in meeting new milestones or changing the department or college culture. The nominee must embody the principles of a just community in practice through civility, honor, inclusion, integrity, or the promotion of justice.

Universal Provider Award
The Office of the Provost awards professional development funds for Universal Providers per Article 24.6.3 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Faculty development consists of activities and opportunities designed to improve the quality of faculty members’ engagement in teaching, research, service, and leadership. 

The University of Cincinnati is participating in an initiative, the Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem, of the Association of American Universities (AAU), Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and the Association of American University Presses (AAUP) that is designed to advance the wide dissemination of scholarship by humanities and social sciences faculty by promoting and publishing free, open access, digital editions of peer-reviewed, professional monographs. The Office of the Provost will award three grants of up to $15,000 for five academic years, 2017-2021, to support the publication of original long-form monographs by participating publishers.


UC Faculty & Staff: For more information and to apply for awards, please visit Bearcats Landing