We have designed a purposeful, sequenced, and on-going approach to achieving the student learning outcomes of the General Education Program.
Each major can determine specific ways in which its students meet components of GenEd. See each program's curriculum guide for specifics.
All baccalaureate programs fulfill the following requirements.
Key Touchpoints
The foundation of UC’s First Year Experience (FYE) approach is the responsiveness to ongoing student reflection and a common of set of targeted learning areas (including our FY Career Education outcomes).
- One or more appropriate First Year courses, or learning communities. The course(s) used to complete FYE might also apply to another GenEd requirement (see below).
- Begin Fundamental Skills and Breadth of Knowledge (BoK) requirements.
Purposeful mid-collegiate programming and student reflection will continue to provide on-going support for students as they proceed through their college career. Components include:
- One or more mid-collegiate Experiential Learning (EL) courses or academic experiences (service learning, co-op, internship, study abroad, UC Forward, peer education, student teaching, exhibition, performance, clinical experience, student teaching, student research). EL experiences must be:
- Intentional: Experiences are structured and mapped; instructors behave as facilitators
- Learner-Centered & Holistic: Student growth – both personal and academic – is central
- Collaborative and Contextualized: Experiences are authentic and occur within the learner’s community or communities; real world complexity is embraced
- Personal: Facilitators and learners participate in guided activities that enable them to predict, react, and reflect on the experience from their own perspective
- Methodology. Each academic major program requires academic training in the understanding of the systematic methods and history of the discipline/profession (course or experience determined by unit or major).
- Mid-Collegiate Writing. A college-determined course, usually ENGL2089, "Intermediate Composition". Intermediate Composition will reinforce what students learn in the first year and will focus their attention on where meaning is made. It also introduces higher-level learning about writing and reading communicated across academic disciplines. The primary goal of the course is to help students develop rhetorical sensitivity to differences in academic and professional writing across the disciplines (see English Composition).
- Complete Fundamental Skills and BOK requirements.
- Address Mid-Collegiate Career Education Outcomes. These outcomes often are addressed in the EL or Methodology course(s) described above.
Senior Year Experience
A senior-year experience that enables students to transition to a profession or graduate school and continue to pursue life-long learning and social responsibility.
- The capstone experience is designed to demonstrate proficiency in the Baccalaureate Competencies and in the content/skills of the program/major. As a culminating experience, the capstone should require interdisciplinary and contextual perspectives (course or experience determined by unit or major). Note: a capstone course is usually 3 credit hours, but can be determined by the unit or major.
- Address Capstone Career Education Outcomes. These outcomes may be addressed in the capstone experience described above or in other, upper division courses or workshops.
Foundational Skills
English Composition (6 credit hours)
- ENGL1001 "English Composition" to be completed during the first year
- ENGL2089 "Intermediate Composition" or other designated writing course to be completed during the mid-collegiate years (after having earned 30 credit hours for matriculated students)
Quantitative Reasoning (QR) (3 credit hours)
The appropriate level of analytical and/or mathematical literacy determined by each academic unit/program. The required QR course(s) should align with the math pathway which is appropriate for the student’s major:
- Statistics Pathway – College-level introductory statistics courses designed for students without a Calculus background and who do not require College Algebra or Calculus
- Quantitative Reasoning Pathway – College-level courses designed to emphasize quantitative thinking and problem solving using quantitative methods
- STEM-Preparation Pathway – College-level courses (i.e., College Algebra, PreCalculus, Trigonometry, Business Calculus, and/or Calculus) designed for students in mathematics-intensive majors
Breadth of Knowledge Requirements (BoK)
Contemporary Topics
UC's GenEd Core is designed to direct students to courses and experiences that prepare graduates to contribute and thrive in a global and technological society. Each student should take 2 courses (6 credit hours).
- Society, Culture, and Ethics (SCE)
- Technology and Innovation (TI)
Distribution Areas
UC's GenEd program assures exposure to the traditional disciplines that are the hallmark of a liberally educated person. Students should choose 4 courses from a minimum of 3 distribution areas. (12 credit hours)
- Fine Arts (FA)
- Historical Perspectives (HP)
- Humanities and Literature (HU)
- Natural Sciences (NS)
- Social Sciences (SS)
See Definitions for detailed descriptions.
Interdisciplinary Courses may carry up to two BoK classifications when faculty certify that a course fully meets the expectations of each BoK. Students completing these courses will earn credit for each of the indicated BOKs. This option is meant to encourage and facilitate the completion of course sequences for depth of learning, double majors, and certificate programs.
Additional Programmatic Requirements
- Statewide Distribution Requirements
- UC's Career Education Outcomes
Each program must address these outcoems by requiring students to select appropriate general education BoK categories or by utilizing an "across the curriculum" approach, where these outcomes are addressed through content embedded in required major courses or experiences.