Faculty are essential to the success of our university and academic mission. To better understand the needs of our faculty, the University of Cincinnati (UC) has partnered with Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE). For more than 10 years, COACHE has worked with more than 250 academic institutions to survey faculty and identify themes associated with faculty satisfaction.
UC faculty completed the COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey in the Spring of 2018. Results were received and reviewed by the COACHE Executive Team in the Fall of 2018. Results presented three areas of strength and three areas for development. According to the faculty, our strengths are departmental collegiality, faculty leadership, and tenure policies. Areas for development include departmental leadership, interdisciplinary work, and mentoring. During the spring 2019 semester, through a peer and self-nominated process, six working groups were formed that corresponded to our three areas of strength and three areas for development. These groups reviewed the COACHE quantitative and qualitative data in detail, conducted follow up interviews, and benchmarked practices at our peer institutions to create a set of recommendations in May 2019.
Visit the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education website to learn more.
New Initiatives Support Teaching, Research and Service
Informed by faculty input through the COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey, and UC Women Lead's 2019 faculty project, the Office of the Provost is implementing new strategic initiatives to support faculty in teaching, research and service. These efforts focus on:
- Leadership Development
- Mentoring
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration
- Collegiality
Unit Head Training is being held to provide leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to be effective leaders. Deans, associate deans and unit heads participate in leadership retreats, each semester, to hone leadership skills and align strategic priorities with our strategic direction, Next Lives Here. Leadership workshops as well as a mentoring program for new faculty are available through the Faculty Enrichment Center.
COACHE Executive Team
Keisha Love
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Office of the Provost
Susana Luzuriaga
Vice Provost for Academic Analytics, Office of the Provost
Lauren Thomas
Predictive Analytics Modeler, Office of Institutional Research