Public Safety

Emergency Management

Protecting Our Community.

The University of Cincinnati, like any other community, is vulnerable to a wide range of natural and man-made hazards. UC has programs in place to help prevent and respond to emergencies. The Department of Public Safety's Emergency Management staff coordinate these plans.

When an emergency occurs, we utilize several tools to communicate with members of our community in a quick and coordinated manner. These tools include:

  • A voice notification system
  • Text messages
  • Emails
  • Electronic signage boards
  • Twitter
  • Rave Alert

The Emergency Management staff also handle the university's business continuity planning to ensure that the university can maintain critical operations and services in the face of a disruptive event.

For information on the university's emergency plans, emergency procedures, safety notifications and other resources, please view the menu on the left. For information on business continuity planning, please go to Bearcats Landing.

Headshot of Edward Dadosky

Edward Dadosky

Director of Emergency Management/Business Continuity


Headshot of Pia Washington

Pia Washington

Assistant Director of Emergency Management/Business Continuity


Headshot of Rob Schrand

Rob Schrand

Manager, Fire Safety and Prevention
