Public Safety

Carl H. Lindner Hall Building Emergency Plan

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


The University of Cincinnati (UC) is committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment for our students, employees, and guests.  This commitment is reflected in the following information to be used in the event of a building emergency or evacuation at the Carl H. Lindner College of Business (LCB).

The ensuing guidelines reflect the existing policies and procedures of the UC Public Safety Department and the Cincinnati Fire Department.  This document will be distributed to all building occupants as a tool for continued personal safety.

Point of Contact – Responsibilities and Contact Information

The Lindner College of Business has identified Building Points of Contact (aka BPOCs) on each floor of Lindner Hall. The BPOCs will make every effort, without endangering their own safety, to ensure each area is evacuated when the emergency alert is activated and to account for their departmental employees and visitors who assemble at the Designated Assembly Location (across Campus Green Drive near the fountains) after evacuating the building.  UC Public Safety will coordinate with the BPOCs to ensure people do not re-enter the building.  Once the area is cleared for re-entry by Public Safety, they will relay the message to employees, students, and guests.  The current BPOCs are listed below and will serve as back-ups for each other.  They have access to two-way radios for communicating among themselves and with emergency services in the event land lines and cell phones are not available.

The current POC is listed below.
Points of Contact Direct Office Telephone Floor Location of First Aid Kits

Rachel Bednar 
Building Manager

556-7003 Basement Room 005

Julie Menchen
Dean's Office

556-7001 1st Room 104

Matt Conley
Information Technology

556-7159 2nd Room 211B

Toshia Watkins

556-7040 3rd Room 302

Mary Ann Lorenzen
Finance & Marketing

556-7100 4th Room 402

Tricia Burger
Management & OBAIS

556-7120 5th Room 501

Sherry Hetzer
Business Affairs

556-5669 6th Room 604

The LCB Contacts will distribute a copy of the Building Emergency Policies and Procedures document to all Lindner Hall employees and ask that they become familiar with it.  The Lindner Business Affairs Office will provide the document to new employees.  Do not hesitate to ask BPOCs for further explanations, if needed.

Duties and Responsibilities

All employees are responsible for:

  1.  Knowing at least two ways out of any building.  Exit signs are posted on each floor.
  2. Reporting any emergency.
    1. Knowing the locations of the red “Pull Down” Fire Alarms (near each building exit).
    2. Knowing the locations of the blue Emergency Assistance Devices (aka Phone Call Boxes).  They are on every floor except the first floor.
  3. Understanding evacuation procedures.  Signs are posted on each floor at each elevator.
    1. Fire
    2. Tornado or Severe Weather
    3. Armed Individual or Bomb Threat
  4. Understanding the Shelter-in-Place process.
  5. Reporting any unsafe conditions to your supervisor, Point of Contact, and/or UC Public Safety.
  6. Evacuating the building in the event of ANY fire alarm.
  7. Assisting visitors and/or disabled persons in an emergency.
  8. Following the outlined procedures to ensure the continuity of operations.

Supervisory personnel:

  1.  Are responsible for ensuring that all employees within their jurisdiction have been properly briefed regarding emergency procedures.
  2. Are often first responders in emergencies who must work with their Building Point of Contact and follow the outlined procedures to ensure efficient response and care.


In the event of an evacuation (fire, bomb, severe weather, other threat), the following steps will be followed:

  • When an alarm sounds, STOP activity in your area.
  • Quickly gather personal belongings (keys, purse, coat).
  • Use all accessible stairways for evacuation of the building.
  • When an evacuation is ordered, leave the building by the nearest usable stairway and exit door.  Leave the building quickly, but do not run.
  • The elevators are NOT to be used for evacuation when the alarm is sounding.
  • If asked, provide assistance to physically disabled persons (see below).
  • Keep conversation to a minimum during evacuation.
  • Close doors when leaving areas to limit fire and smoke damage.
  • If confronted with smoke, keep near the floor.
  • If confronted with smoke in a stairwell, attempt to use an alternate stairwell.
  • BPOCs will review specified areas for remaining personnel.
  • Assemble across Campus Green Drive (near the water fountains) so that emergency personnel have access to the building and employees can be accounted for.
  • Do not gather on the second floor patio, in the garage, or on the garage drive along Martin Luther King Drive leading to the basement level.
  • Complete the evacuation process even if the alarm ceases sounding.
  • Do not re-enter the building until an “all-clear” is given by the Public Safety Department.

It should be noted that any person (unless disabled) who refuses to evacuate for any type of evacuation, including a drill, may be subject to arrest or fine from the UCPD.

Persons with Disabilities – Special Circumstances

Fire Emergencies

  • If disabled or non-ambulatory individuals are on the first floor, they should exit the building as quickly as they are able. 
  • If they are located above or below the first floor, they have the option to remain in the building during an emergency when the use of an elevator is essential for evacuation. 
  • They should stay near the Blue Call Box, known as the Area of Rescue Assistance.
  • If they are in imminent danger, seek a safe place with an exterior window, telephone, and a solid door.
  • Call UC Public Safety (911) and advise them you are a person or with a person with a physical disability.  Give your exact location – Building, Floor, Room Number, and the phone number from which you are calling.
  • If calling from a cell phone, dial 513-556-1111 to reach UC Public Safety.
  • The emergency personnel will determine the best protective action for the disabled occupants. 

Severe Weather Emergencies

Elevators may be used by individuals who are disabled or non-ambulatory.  Volunteers should be sought from among fellow co-workers and/or office mates to assist persons with disabilities to severe weather shelter locations (basement, interior room, or hallway).  The BPOC should be notified of their location.

Armed Individual/Active Shooter

Currently, federal law permits all United States citizens to carry a concealed weapon, if they have a permit for it. University Regulations do not permit faculty, staff, or students to have a gun or other fire arms on or near the UC campus, not even in their cars. However, since the UC campus is open to the public, anyone not associated with the university who has a permit is allowed to carry a concealed weapon.

If you observe an armed individual on or near the UC campus at any time, and if that individual is acting in a hostile or aggressive behavior, do not hesitate to run.  Once you are safe, contact the UC Police Department immediately by dialing 911 from a UC landline phone or 513-556-1111 from a cell phone.

If an armed subject is seen on campus and the UCPD announces a Campus Shelter-in-Place, you should:

  • Lock and/or barricade the door to your room.
  • If you cannot lock the door, safely move to another room that can be secured.  If neither of these is possible, barricade the door with furniture or use other means to secure the door (e.g., secure door handle with belts tied to affixed furniture).
  • If there are windows into the room, stay out of the line of sight, turn off the lights, silence your cell phone, and remain quiet.
  • Listen for instructions from the UCPD on the campus voice warning system.

If an armed subject is inside the building, but not in your room:

  • Leave the building safely, if you can do so.
  • If flight is impossible, lock the door to the room.
  • If you cannot lock the door, safely move to another room that can be secured.  If neither of these is possible, barricade the door with furniture or use other means to secure the door (e.g., secure door handle with belts tied to affixed furniture).
  • If there are windows into the room, stay out of the line of sight, turn off the lights, and remain quiet.
  • Listen for instructions from the UCPD on the campus voice warning system.

If an armed subject enters your room:

  • There is no single procedure that can address all possibilities. If possible, leave the room.
  • If it is not possible to leave, try to hide.
  • If this is not possible, use anything as a distraction or weapon – there are no rules.  Attempting to overcome the armed subject with force is a last resort that should only be initiated in the most extreme circumstances.  Fight to create an opportunity to escape.

Bomb Threats/Suspicious Activities 

If you receive a bomb threat or suspicious package, locate a suspicious item, or see suspicious activity:

  • DO NOT USE CELL PHONES OR RADIOS (since they could activate a bomb or suspicious device)!
  • Contact Public Safety immediately by dialing 911 from a UC landline phone to report what you have found, heard, or seen.
  • If you receive a bomb threat, write down exactly what was said as soon as possible.  If there is a display phone, note the phone number from which the call was received. 
  • Do not attempt to move or open items or confront individuals.
  • If warranted, and if possible, clear all individuals from the immediate area, lock the door, exit the building, and assemble across Campus Green Drive near the fountains with others in your department.
  • Notify your Point of Contact, who will meet the responding officers outside the main front doors.

Violence and Violent Crime 

Unfortunately, workplace violence and violent crime do occur on university campuses, although very rarely.  Examples of a violent crime are a shooter or hostage situation.

  • In the event that you witness a violent occurrence in Lindner Hall, employees should remove themselves, students, and guests out of the line of view of the attacker. 
  • Evacuate from the building, if possible. 
  • Contact the police by calling 911 on a campus phone, calling 513-556-1111 on a cellular phone, or using a Help Phone.  Be aware that 911 calls from campus phones or picking up a Help Phone are automatically identified, so that if you cannot talk, officers will be sent to investigate. 
  • Public Safety personnel will provide further instructions on the building public address system.

Fire or Smoke  

Fire Drills are planned and scheduled.  Public Safety conducts fire drills in university buildings as required by the Ohio Fire Code.

Fire Alarms are not planned and building emergency plans, including evacuation, should be followed until the cause of the alarm has been determined or the emergency resolved.

If you encounter fire, smoke, fire alarm activation, or a report of burning odor, immediately:                    

  • Close all doors and windows, call 911 (or 513-556-1111 from a cell phone), and activate a red Fire Alarm Pull Station on your way out of the building. 
  • Gather personal belongings (cell phones, keys, purse, and coat) in case you cannot return to the building.  This should not delay your evacuation.
  • Exit the building as quickly as possible and meet at the Designated Assembly Location (across Campus Green Drive near the water fountains). 
  • The BPOCs will make every effort to account for all employees and visitors to ensure that everyone is out of the building.
  • The BPOCs will report any missing employees or visitors, and their last known location, to the nearest emergency personnel.
  • A BPOC will meet the Fire Department by the main entrance to provide additional information.
  • Await further instructions from UC Public Safety or Cincinnati Fire Department.
  • There are two propane tanks for grills kept in the basement storage room 005 (OBAIS Cage). The notice of these is on the outer door to 005.  There are no other known large chemical quantities or major fire hazards in Lindner Hall.
  • The fire alarm system is maintained by UC’s Emergency Services Personnel. The university’s Facilities Management Department maintains the building operations and housekeeping. They may be reached by contacting the UC Dispatch Center from a UC land phone at 911 or from a cell phone at 513-556-1111.

Illness or Injury

In the event that an employee, student, or visitor is injured or taken ill, employees shall take appropriate first aid actions, including:

  • Check the scene to ensure safety for the employees, victim, and any bystanders.
  • Ask the victim if they want your assistance.
  • Check the victim to ascertain the nature of the injury or illness.
  • Notify Public Safety by calling 911 from a campus phone, or 556-1111 from a cellular phone.  Emergency medical assistance will be dispatched.
  • Stay with the victim, and send a volunteer to meet the ambulance at the main entrance to Lindner Hall to direct emergency personnel to the injured/ill person.
  • Care for the victim to the extent the employee is trained.  ANSI/OSHA First-Aid Kits are on every floor of Lindner Hall.  Any employee may use the kits for minor illnesses or injuries.  Employees should be familiar with what is available in the First Aid kits.
  • Injuries/illnesses of UC employees must be documented within 24 hours.  Please use this form: and contact LCB HR (either Debi Riestenberg at 556-9132 or Melissa Slater at 556-5421) who will provide further instructions on the process.

An adult victim has the right to refuse an ambulance.  However, if the employee feels an ambulance should be called, they may do so.  This will allow the paramedics to make the call on whether or not the victim should be transported to a hospital.  

Severe Weather

UC has implemented a severe weather warning system as part of its ongoing fire and life safety systems upgrade.  This system allows Public Safety to play pre-recorded announcements in Lindner Hall if severe weather threatens.  It will be used in conjunction with the existing Hamilton County siren warning system, which effectively warns people who are out of doors; however, they do not always provide sufficient warning for those indoors.  Fortunately, the UC campus system delivers the warnings to everyone inside all buildings, as well as providing more detailed instructions.

The Hamilton County warning sirens use a steady tone to indicate a severe weather warning (a rise/fall tone is used for an attack warning).  Sirens are tested on the first Wednesday of each month at 12:00 noon, unless there is a threat of severe weather.  The campus severe weather warning system will be tested at the same time on a monthly basis, unless there is a threat of severe weather.

Severe Thunderstorm

A severe thunderstorm watch indicates that conditions are favorable for the formation of a thunderstorm of 58 mph or greater.  A severe thunderstorm warning is issued when severe thunderstorms have developed in the area.  Remain indoors, away from windows and exterior glass.  If possible, move to an interior room.


A Tornado Watch is issued by the National Weather Service when tornados are possible in your area.  Remain alert for approaching storms.

A Tornado Warning is issued when a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar.  The campus severe weather warning system will be activated.  This system gives voice instructions, so please listen carefully to what is said.  Hamilton County will activate the outdoor warning sirens. 

What to do during a Tornado Warning:

  • Move to a safe location in Lindner Hall: Basement, restrooms, or other interior rooms, corridors, and stairwells away from glass windows and doors.
  • Elevators may be used only by individuals with non-ambulatory disabilities.
  • Listen to the campus severe weather warning system for instructions and for the “all clear” before leaving the sheltered area.

Snow Emergencies

The Carl H. Lindner College of Business will follow the university policy for snow delays and cancellations. It will make all efforts to stay open when the university does not have a closing or delay during inclement weather.

If the Dean of the College feels that the weather warrants, faculty and staff may be permitted to use vacation or compensatory time to leave early or arrive late. There are no “essential personnel” (doctors, nurses, etc.) who work in Lindner Hall.

During inclement weather, Lindner employees are encouraged to listen to local news, follow UC social media via Twitter (@uofcincy) or Facebook ( You are encouraged to sign up for text messages from UC Public Safety to receive any important alerts; visit to sign up. OR, feel free to check out, or dial 513-556-3333, for a current status.

Power Failure

  • Emergency power is provided to UC by a back-up generator.  The generator provides power only to essential lighting and building equipment.  In the event of a power failure, this generator will start in less than a minute.  The generator is fueled for eight hours of operation.  Facilities Management is responsible for re-fueling the generator.
  • Receptacles that are fed by the generator are identified by a red color.  Only essential equipment should be plugged into these outlets.  Contact the Building Manager if there are questions as to what outlets are supplied by the generator.
  • Computers that are on uninterruptible power supplies should be shut down in an orderly fashion.  Other computer equipment, including printers, should be turned off so that they are not damaged should there be voltage surges when the normal power returns.
  • Only one elevator will operate on emergency power.  The use of this elevator should be restricted to persons with physical disabilities. 
  • The Building Manager will contact Facilities Management at 558-2500 during the day, and Public Safety at 513-556-1111 during off hours to ascertain the expected duration of the outage.
  • The Dean will determine if the outage is of sufficient duration to send faculty and staff home.


To report a theft (or other non-violent crime), contact the police at 911 (from a campus phone) or 513-556-1111 (cell).

Building Security and Hours

Carl H. Lindner Hall is open to the general public during normal business hours and when public events have been scheduled after hours.  University ID cards must be used to access the building after normal business hours, as follows:

Day Time
Monday through Thursday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Friday and Saturday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday 12-5 p.m.
UC ID Card Swipe Access
Day Time
Monday through Thursday 6-7 a.m. and 10 p.m. until midnight
Friday and Saturday 6-7 a.m. and 5 p.m. until midnight
Sunday 6 a.m. until noon and 5 p.m. until midnight
Holidays 6 a.m. until midnight
Locked with No Access
Day Time
Monday through Sunday Midnight to 6 a.m.

Employees who encounter an unknown person in their workspace should (if they feel safe doing so), ask the person if they can be of assistance. If the employee feels the person does not belong in the space, or is otherwise suspicious, the police should be notified by calling 911 from a campus phone or 513-556-1111 from a cell phone.

Employees should not allow unknown persons to ‘tailgate’ into the building behind them after hours. Problems with the card readers during an emergency may be reported to Public Safety at 556-4925. For questions regarding swipe access, contact Rachel Bednar, Building Manager (; 556-7003).

Faculty and staff are permitted to have keys to all classrooms. Please contact Rachel Bednar, Building Manager, to request keys to Lindner Hall classrooms. To request keys for shared general use classrooms in other buildings, present your UC ID at the Keys and IDs Office at Edwards Four.

Communicating During an Emergency

In the event of a major emergency affecting the college, the BPOCs will communicate with one another via cell phones or two-way radios and will, in turn, relay pertinent details to UC Public Safety.  Public Safety will communicate and advise all personnel of the situation and what appropriate steps should be taken.

Crisis Management

The purpose of this document is to try to prepare everyone in LCB with a plan of action in the event of a crisis situation (e.g., violent crime, disaster, etc.).  This policy is in accordance with the Student Affairs & Services’ Student Emergency/Crisis Response Plan.

  • In a crisis, anyone can contact Public Safety.
  • University Police and EMS will likely respond to the scene; ask the University Police supervisor to make the appropriate notifications for the emergency.
  • Close the area where the incident has occurred, but try to keep open other parts of the facility.
  • Do not allow a member of the press into the area of emergency. Make this or a similar statement: “We are dealing with an emergency situation. We have no comment.” University Police will be able to assist you in controlling the media. Do not speak to anyone about the incident other than University Police or your management staff.
  • Alert the following individuals in order:
    • Immediate supervisor or department head.
    • Appropriate BPOC.
  • When feasible, move staff and others directly involved away from the scene to relax and calm down. Ask Public Safety where they would like to gather all individuals involved for debriefing.
  • Follow-up debriefings may occur when necessary.  


In the event of an emergency requiring the temporary relocation of the college, the Dean will contact the Office of the University Architect, who is responsible for assigning an alternate space.  In the event of a major emergency affecting a large portion of the University, the Dean will contact the University Emergency Operations Center, where campus-wide coordination will occur.

Emergency Response Teams

Carl H. Lindner Hall is served by these teams:

  • UC Public Safety: 513-556-1111
  • UC Environmental Health and Safety: 513-556-4968
  • University Health Services: 513-556-2564
  • Facilities Management: 513-558-2500
  • Cincinnati Fire Department: 513-352-6220

All immediate emergency concerns can be directed through the UC 911 communications by dialing 911 from any UC phone or 513-556-1111 from any cell phone.

Other Resources

ANSI/OSHA-Compliant First-Aid Kits are available on every floor of Lindner Hall. Please consult with your B for the location of the kit on your floor.

Check your UC e-mail for campus safety messages and alerts. All faculty, staff, and students should register their cell phones with the university to receive emergency text alerts. Be sure your information is up to date in the UC Directory: You also can get alerts by checking social media (on Twitter follow @UCPublicSafety and @uofcincy).

  • For more information and other non-emergency concerns, please contact UC Public Safety at 513-556-4900. 
  • You can always take advantage of the Blue Call Boxes strategically located around campus to contact UC Police. 
  • You are encouraged to load the free mobile App now available through iTunes and Google Play called Bearcat Guardians App ( –  that connects users with UC Police and allows friends or family members to monitor users in real-time as they walk to a destination. 
  • NightRide is a free (with a Bearcat card) nighttime shuttle service that provides safe transportation for UC faculty, staff, and students to and from locations within a one mile radius around campus.  NightRide can be reached by calling 556-RIDE (556-7133). 
  • Crime Victim Services (556-4905) can assist crime victims with talking to the police, filling out reports, handling other legal matters, and getting counseling.
  • Emergency Preparedness:
  • Fire Prevention and Fire Alarms:

Continuity of Operations

In the event of an emergency preventing normal operations of the college, alternate means must be taken in order to ensure the continuity of operations.  The exact circumstances will vary, depending upon the nature of the specific emergency; but the result will generally be one of three possible situations: First, that we are unable to occupy Lindner Hall, either for a short term or long term; second, that a large number of our college faculty and/or staff are unable to report to work; and third, that we are both unable to occupy the building, and large numbers of our faculty and/or staff are unable to report to work. The Points of Contact will assist the dean in coordinating with university administrators for continuity of operations and notifying everyone of next steps, as appropriate.