Public Safety

University Pavilion Building Emergency Plan

Table of Contents


The University of Cincinnati is committed to providing a safe and environment for students, employees, and guests. One means of achieving that goal is the development of Building Emergency Plans.                                                                                    

It is impossible to predict campus emergencies or the magnitude of such emergencies. The complexity of a campus like the University of Cincinnati requires the full support of departments, faculty, staff, and students to successfully implement a Building Emergency Plan. The development, distribution, and familiarization of Building Emergency Plans are essential for student and employee safety.                                                                                                                                       

Guidelines in this sample plan document are reflective of policies/procedures in place at the University of Cincinnati Department of Public Safety, Cincinnati Fire Department, and Ohio Fire Marshall.  All permanent and transient building occupants should become familiar with the information contained in these Building Emergency Plans.

Components for University Pavilion

  1.  Building Components: University Pavilion has 6 floors. The entire building is equipped with pull stations, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and a sprinkler system. The main fire alarm panel is located inside of the main entrance doors.
  2. Emergency System Components: Audible fire alarms are designed to notify building occupants whenever fire alarm pull stations, smoke detectors, heat detectors, or fire sprinkler systems go into activation.  Building occupants may receive additional verbal warning information through the fire alarm speaker system, and visual alarm notification via strobe warning lights, both co-located in most university buildings. Note: smoke and heat detector installation may be limited to specific areas of some buildings. Automatic fire sprinkler systems are used to protect building occupants and contents in residence halls, classrooms, meeting rooms, and most indoor places of assembly.  Whenever anyone of these aforementioned systems is activated, notification is automatically transmitted to the University of Cincinnati 911 Communications Center responsible to dispatch appropriate resources to the respective emergency.  Several different types of fire extinguishers are installed throughout university buildings. Specific building hazards are the key factor used to determine the types of fire extinguishers installed.  University Pavilion contains mostly ABC type extinguishers used for fires fueled by paper, flammable liquids, and electrical fires. Fire extinguishers are maintained by Facilities Management.
  3. Area of Rescue Assistance (ARA): An ARA is an area where persons unable to use stairways can remain temporarily to await instructions or assistance during an emergency evacuation. For a complete list of ARA campus location, please see the UC Emergency Management website.

Building Hours and Security

University Pavilion is unlocked and open to the public 7 am to 8 pm, Monday through Friday. Outside of those hours, access is limited to faculty and staff members with approved ID and who have been granted access by a supervisor. Some buildings may also be unlocked and occupied on weekends.

Calling 911 on campus/ UC Communications Center

The University of Cincinnati 911 Communications Center is interconnected with other communications centers operated by the City of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, and Clermont County. All four centers operate 24/365. All 911 calls using campus phones will be routed to the UC Communications Center regardless from which campus a call is placed. A 911 call from a cell phone will typically (but not always) be routed to the nearest city or county dispatch center. It is imperative that whenever placing a 911 call using a cell phone from any location that the caller provides the call-taker with the specific UC Campus and location where emergency assistance is needed.  For example: 911 call takers are trained to ask callers, “911, where is your emergency”? The caller should reply, “The University of Cincinnati Main Campus; University Pavilion; Room 144”. The city/county center receiving the call will ask for some additional information and then transfer the caller to the UC Communications Center while simultaneously notifying emergency responders in the appropriate geographical area

Accounting for Occupants After Evacuations

Building Safety Points of Contact (POC) will attempt to account for all occupants after a building evacuation. Building occupants are strongly urged to check in at predetermined building evacuation collection points for accountability purposes, and so that emergency responders do not have to unnecessarily enter buildings searching for “missing” building occupants. Building Safety POCs will report any missing occupants and their last known location to emergency responders.

Building Safety Points of Contact - Responsibilities and Contact Information

Building Safety POCs are required for each Department. These individuals (or alternates) are responsible to make all reasonable efforts to ensure that evacuation/relocation takes place when an emergency alarm system is activated or a severe weather alert necessitates relocation within a building. Building Safety POCs will not jeopardize personal safety while attempting to ensure that building occupants have taken appropriate protective actions. Building Safety POCs are also responsible to account for departmental employees and visitors who may have assembled at the designated evacuation/relocation points post building evacuation/relocation. UC Public Safety Emergency Management and Fire Inspectors will provide additional information to Building Safety POCs and alternates upon request.

Building Safety POCs are responsible to maintain a list of Building Safety POC alternates, and to ensure that all building occupants have received a copy of the Building Emergency Plan.

Building Safety POC List
Department Building Safety POC Contact Telephone
Student Financial Aid Dave Peterson 513-556-9939

Persons with Disabilities – Special Circumstances

  1. Fire Emergencies: Disabled or non-ambulatory individuals located above or below the ground floor have the option to remain in the building during an emergency when the use of an elevator is essential for evacuation.
    1. If located on the ground floor, exit the building the same as other building occupants.
    2. If located above or below the ground floor, seek a safe place—preferably a designated Area of Refuge (none are currently located in University Pavilion), or a room with an exterior window, a telephone, and a solid door.
      • Call Emergency Dispatch (911) and advise that you are a person or with a person who is non-ambulatory or has a physical disability. Give your exact location – Campus, Building, Room number, and the phone number from which you are calling.
      • Upon arrival, the fire department will determine the best protective action for disabled or non-ambulatory building occupants.
  2. Severe Weather Emergencies: Assist persons with disabilities to severe weather shelter locations. Elevators may be used by individuals who are disabled or non-ambulatory.

Emergency Types / Evacuation and Relocation Points

Emergency Responders

University Pavilion is served by UC Public Safety (513-556-1111)

UC Environmental Health and Safety (513-556-4968)

UC University Health Services and Facilities Management (513-558-2500)                             

All immediate emergency concerns can be directed through the UC 911 Communications, by dialing 911 from any UC phone.

Major Fire Hazards for University Pavilion

There are no major fire hazards in University Pavilion. No large chemicals quantities are stored in this building.

Maintenance of Systems to Control and Prevent Fires

The fire alarm system is maintained by the UC Department of Public Safety.  The UC Facilities Management Department maintains building operations and housekeeping. Both departments may be reached by contacting the University of Cincinnati Communications Center at 911 or 513-556-1111 (non-emergency).

Building Emergency Plan Additional Resources

UC Public Safety Emergency Management may be contacted at 513-556-4900.