Public Safety

June 11, 2024


Welcome and Introductions

Judge John West

Crime Trend Update

Rachel Kleindorfer

Department Update

Director Eliot Isaac

  • Personnel Updates
  • Uses of Force, Investigations, and Complaints

Campus Climate, Operational Readiness

Assistant Police Chief Dudley Smith

Discussion/future meeting schedule

Judge John West



University of Cincinnati Department of Public Safety

Chief Eliot Isaac
John DeJarnette
Kelly Cantwell
Captain Jeff Thompson
Maria Madera
Captain David Hoffman
Rachel Kleindorfer
Captain Jason Voelkerding

Community Compliance Council Members

Greg Baker
Margaret Fox
Khalid Davis
Jack Martin
Dr. Bleuzette Marshall

Welcome and Introductions

Greg Baker

Crime Trend Update

Rachel Kleindorfer

CSR NIBRS Offenses

  • Starting with the YTD comparison broken down by offense type, you can see that we are decreasing in both property and person offenses in both last year's and 5-year comparisons.
  • We have been increasing in society offenses in both categories

NIBRS Offenses: Society

  • The primary drivers of our society offenses are our trespass of real property which is up by 11 YTD. There are a few areas these offenses concentrate.
  • The Panera Bread is the main area for these trespassers.
  • The community engagement unit and Rachel had a meeting with the managers of the store to discuss different problem-solving techniques that could be used.
  • Disorderly conduct is mainly students urinating in Calhoun Garage after bar hours

CSR NIBRS Offenses: Person

  • Agg assault is one of our larger increases in this category. There are two primary locations for these.
  • The first is at the hospital which usually involves a nurse getting assaulted by patients who are not being cooperative with receiving treatment.
  • The second location for these agg assaults is on Calhoun Street close to either Bdubs or the Shell station. Most of these seem like verbal alterations that turn into a fight.
  • Forcible Sex Offenses - In most of these instances the offender and the victim know each other.
  • There was an instance on campus of an unknown victim/offender relationship.
  • There was an instance on campus of an unknown offender. This was a sexual imposition that happened at Woodside garage unknown male slapped a student's rear end. This individual was arrested shortly after this offense.
  • There were a few other situations in the surrounding area of campus where a similar situation happened but unsure for certain if they are related

CSR NIBRS Offenses: Property

  • We are down by 70 for auto thefts compared to last year
  • With fewer cars being stolen we are seeing an increase in theft from a motor vehicle… unsuccessful MVT where they end up stealing whatever they can find.
  • In the other two categories, we are seeing a slight increase in larceny and shoplifting. There are two main locations within the CSR where this happens which are mainly Kroger and Target on Calhoun

Personnel Updates

Director Eliot Isaac

  • Officer Kennerly Newlin – Promoted to Sergeant
  • Security Officer Randal Perry – Transitioned to Police Officer
  • Joshua Thomas – Hired as a Police Officer Apprentice
  • Frederick Toepfer - Hired as a Security Officer
  • Corey Buckler – Rehired as an Emergency Communications Dispatcher
  • Kylee Foote – Hired as a Fire Alarm System Technician
  • Paige Lafever – Former student worker hired as an Emergency Communications Dispatcher

Uses of Force, Investigations and Complaints

Director Eliot Isaac

Use of Force

  • March 1, 2024: UCPD officers responded to a fight in progress between three juveniles. Their movement was ultimately restricted by officers when they were pulled apart and handcuffed.
    • Consistent with training and Use of Force Policy
  • March 12, 2024: UCPD officers responded to a disorderly subject who fled from officers after being initially detained and it was discovered he had a warrant. The officer who caught the subject used balance displacement on the subject and was able to ultimately take him into custody.
    • Consistent with training and Use of Force Policy
  • April 21, 2024: A UCPD officer stopped a subject at Taser point believed to have threatened others with a knife. The subject complied and was then assaulted by a victim. The officer then deployed his Taser on the person who was now assaulting the original suspect who was stopped.
    • Consistent with training and Use of Force Policy
  • May 25, 2024: UCPD officers used balance displacement on an arrested subject when the subject was able to slip out of a handcuff and began resisting.
    • Consistent with training and Use of Force Policy

Display of Force

  • April 27, 2024: UCPD responded to a large crowd in which many were beginning to fight. The officer displayed his Taser and pointed it at a subject after the subject refused verbal commands. The subject ultimately left and followed commands.
    • Consistent with training, the Use of Force Policy, and the MOU.

Internal Investigations

  • There were no new Internal Investigations or complaints during this reporting period

Campus climate, operational readiness - Unrest and protest

Assistant Chief Dudley Smith

Current State of Readiness

  • Public Safety held a training forum for our staff to help our team understand the history and issues from both sides of the conflict in Israel.
  • Internal Public Safety policies.
  • University policies.
  • Protest Safety Team.
  • Collaboration with Cincinnati Police and Ohio State Highway Patrol.
  • Emergency Operations Center
    • Communication
    • Unified command
    • Preparing for and anticipating activity related to the November presidential election

Crisis Intervention Team

Assistant Chief Dudley Smith

UC Public Safety Department of the Year Winner

Discussion/future meeting schedule 

Next meeting Tuesday, September 10, 2024