Public Safety

June 15, 2021

Safety & Reform Community Compliance Council


Welcome and Introductions

Judge John West

Crime Trend Update

Director James Whalen
Crime Analyst Michael Zidar

COVID Response 

Director James Whalen

Department Update

Director James Whalen
Assistant Chief Dudley Smith
Lieutenant Bill Richey

  1. One-Mind Campaign
  2. 2020/2021 UCPD Training

Policy Violations and Off-Campus Traffic Stop

Director James Whalen

Discussion/future meeting schedule

Judge John West



Whalen, James
Smith, Rickell
Zidar, Mike
Marshall, Bleu
Baker, Gregory
Smith, Dudley
Cantwell, Kelly
Gable, April
Carter, Rodney
West, John
Hoffman, Dave
Theetge, Terri
Thompson, Jeff
Martin, Jack
Fox, Peg
Richey, Bill
Palmer, Emma

Welcome and Introductions

Judge John West

Crime Trend Update

Mike Zidar and Director Whalen

Please see Power Point Presentation

Academic year crime update:

CSR NIBRS Offenses

            Property -11%

            Person   2%

            Society -39%

CSR Person Offenses: Academic Year to Date spiked in March and April of 2021

Property: motor vehicle theft up dramatically (food deliverers, juvenile thefts)

Theft from motor vehicle parts; specific pieces of the vehicle such as catalytic converters are stolen then off loaded to local shop mechanics.  The numbers are declining.

Peg Fox – shared vehicle burglary information from the last CCC meeting with CPD (smash and grab).  This information sharing is very important. 

Society – numbers are down dramatically

Robberies are down 12%

Burglaries are down dramatically 131 down to 5% for the entire city of Cincinnati

  1. Pandemic related student activity has shifted; students are home more and not providing opportunity for burglars to burglarize. 
  2. UCPD has put in a tremendous amount of effort into foot patrol such as handing out pamphlets and engaging with the community.

Motor Vehicle theft – up 123; well over 100 vehicle thefts within 2 streets; but we’re starting to see a decline in numbers

COVID Response

Director Whalen currently serves on the UC COVID Relief Team

Please see the Power Point Presentation

Department Update

Assistant Chief Dudley Smith and Director James Whalen

A.     One-Mind Campaign – Assistant Chief Smith

Please see Power Point Presentation

UCPD received the IACP Certificate of completion:  UCPD very easily met all standards before the application was even submitted.

B.      2020/2021 UCPD Training – Lt. Bill Richey

Please see Power Point Presentation

Training in Review; 75 courses completed by Public Safety

The courses are assigned to meet IACLEA and OPOTC requirements; Exiger recommended and elective courses.

Please see Power Point Presentation for Topics

Meg Fox – asks if UCPD follows CPD’s policy on use of tasers; 

Terri Theetge responded CPD has updated revision; policy has changed regarding the age limit due to an eleven year-old African American female who was tased

Point of aim/target with AXION; Lt. Richey trains UCPD officers on point of aim/target and on age limit and cautions associated with taser

Dr. Bleuzette Marshall received kudos for diversity and inclusion training of Public Safety/UCPD staff

Rickell Smith – inquired about verbal defense training of UCPD officers and universal greetings, control and not escalate

Gregory Baker – Asked about UCPD officers and training concerning uncomfortable conversations; last summer’s issues regarding community relations. Are the trainers dissecting any of the incidents such as prohibiting choke holds and serving search warrants?  Director Whalen replied, yes, that all search warrants need his approval.

Mr. Baker asked if UCPD has used any of these incidents in training to as well- intended incidents can go bad and if so, what were the general reactions from officers. 

Lt. Bill Richey replied yes.  ICAT training on communication video received national attention when an officer tased a fan for not wearing a mask.

Policy Violations and Off-Campus Traffic Stop

Please see Power Point Presentation

Policy violations – three in the month of March; one in the month of June

No external, dispositioned complaints

Rickell Smith (Greater Cincinnati Urban League) comment/question concerning stand your ground laws; Opinion is that Ohio is using deadly force to defend themselves; when investigating  a shooting, is there an automatic assumption of illegal Use of Force (UOF)?

Discussion/future meeting schedule 

  1. Morning or afternoon of time to invite all CCC to discuss
    1. Tour radius of area patrol; questions in preparation for September meeting
    2. In person meetings anticipated in September 2021
    3. Lunch with UCPD command staff
    4. Date/Time sometime between now and mid-august
    5. Kimberly Willis to begin ordering McMicken Circle parking passes for CCC members
  2. April Gable and Captain David Hoffman to discuss mural idea for Edwards building