Public Safety

June 27, 2017

Safety & Reform Community Advisory Council


Welcome and Administrative Matters

Judge John A. West, Chairman

Meeting Schedule
Scheduled Meetings: 7/25; Exiger Meeting 8/1
Introduction of UCPD Captain Rodney Carter
Introduction of new CAC Member, Brendan Bossman

Community Outreach Update

S. Gregory Baker, Director of Police Community Relations, UCPD

Outreach and Meetings Community Relations
Peace Bowl Classic, Aug. 4-6

Recruitment and Selection Update

Anthony Carter, Chief of Police, UCPD

Exiger: Update on UCPD Compliance

Dr. Robin S. Engel, VP for Safety & Reform

Community Forum: UCPD Monitor Update ReformHughes STEM High School Auditorium 2515 Clifton Avenue, 6:00 – 8:00 pm - August 2, 2017

Tensing Re-trial

Bishop Bobby Hilton; James Whalen, Director, Public Safety

Protest Safety Team

Next Meeting

To be determined (See Agenda Item I.A.)



CAC Members

  • Eric Abercrumbie
  • Doug Barge
  • Branden Boseman
  • Bobby Hilton
  • Jack Martin
  • Terri Theetge
  • Charlene Ventura

UC Administration

  • Gregory Baker
  • Anthony Carter
  • Robin Engel
  • Bleuzette Marshall
  • James Whalen

CAC Members Not in Attendance

  • Judge John West, Chair
  • Marcus Bethay
  • Mike Ealy
  • Bashir Emlemdi
  • Peg Fox
  • Aaron Greenlea
  • Chara Fisher Jackson
  • Dolores Learmonth
  • Mel Otten
  • KZ Smith
  • Ennis Tait
This table lists topics discussed at the meeting that need further action taken, the name of the person responsible for completing the action and the date that the action needs to be completed.
Action Items Responsible Person(s) Due Date
Post minutes of 6/27/17 meeting to website Engel/Morris 7/11/17
Send out Cancellation of 7/25 meeting Morris 7/11/17
Reschedule Meeting of CAC Structure Subcommittee Morris 8/1/17
Schedule Meeting of Open Forum Subcommittee Willis

Welcome and Administrative Matters

Judge John West, Chairman

Judge West is unable to attend the meeting; Greg Baker will serve as Chairperson for the meeting.

Our next meeting is pre-scheduled for July 25, 2017, but Exiger will be on site the following week for their community forum on August 2, 2017.

It was agreed that the meeting will be rescheduled to coincide with Exiger’s visit. The July 25 meeting is cancelled; rescheduled for August 1, 2017. Meg will send out an email notification.
There are two new attendees.

  • Chief Carter introduced newly hired UCPD Captain Rodney Carter. He was formerly with the Cincinnati Police Department, with 28 years in Law Enforcement.
  • Our new United Black Student Association representative is Brendan Boseman. He is replacing Raven Jackson. He is a biology major from Cincinnati originally.

Community Outreach Update

S. Gregory Baker, Director Police Community Relations, UCPD

Director Baker reports that the Department of Public Safety and Office of Safety and Reform have given a number of presentations to update the community on UCPD reform efforts. They met with city council members as well as state representatives. They have also met with business associations, community councils, and Urban League of Southwest Ohio. Director Baker reports they have all been good meetings with a lot of discussion. A presentation to the Mt Auburn community council will occur next month.

The CAC structure subcommittee meeting that was scheduled for today was canceled; it will be rescheduled by Judge West.

The Peace Bowl Classic, co-sponsored by the Office of Safety and Reform and Athletics, will be held at UC on August 4-6, 2017. We expect over 1,000 youth (kindergarten – 6th grade) will participate in the event. The event is organized by Reverend Pete Mingo, on behalf of the Southern Christian Leadership, Fred Shuttlesworth Chapter. It will be held on the baseball field, which will be re-striped as a football field; due to the construction Sheakley Field is unavailable, and Nippert is hosting FC Cincinnati games during the summer. All CAC Members are invited to attend.

Recruitment and Selection Update

Anthony Carter, Chief of Police, UCPD

In UCPD’s current hiring cycle there are 13 candidates remaining in the process: 1 white female, 4
African American males, and 8 white males. The Chief plans to hire four positions from this pool to coincide with the number of field training officers available.

Chief Carter has come to an agreement with Cincinnati Police Department (CPD) command staff to place UCPD candidates into CPD’s academy.

Director Baker suggests the hiring process be a standing item for updates at each CAC meeting.

Exiger: Update on UCPD Compliance

Dr. Robin S. Engel, VP for Safety & Reform

The next Exiger Community Forum is scheduled for Wednesday, August 2, 2017 at Hughes High School. Exiger will provide a public report from the Monitoring Team. CAC members are encouraged to attend; this meeting is separate from CAC’s session with Exiger on August 1, 2017.

In Quarter 1, 54 recommendations were submitted for assessment to the Monitor. Of these, 52 were found to be in compliance, 2 had a determination withheld, and 20 will be reassessed on a routine basis.

In Quarter 2, 73 recommendations are scheduled for submission for assessment to the Monitor. This assessment process is on-going but will be finalized by the August meetings.

There are a number of recommendations that are linked to the new use of force policy, which is still under review by Office of General Counsel and Exiger. Given the timeline and likely revisions needed, these recommendations may have a determination withheld finding for Quarter 2.

Exiger is updating their summary sheet so that it is easier to understand.

Regarding the Monitor’s update report to the community, it was agreed that the CAC members should provide guidance for the event format, advertising, attendance, presentation, etc. A CAC subcommittee was created to provide feedback to Exiger related to these issues. The subcommittee
includes: Director Baker, Dr. Abercrumbie, Dr. Marshall, Brendan Boseman, and Jack Martin. Kim Willis will schedule a meeting.

Tensing Re-trial Discussion

Bishop Bobby Hilton

Bishop Bobby Hilton provided the CAC with his observations regarding the Tensing Re-trial. He was present for each day of the trial, in touch with family members and the media. Bishop Hilton discusses his experiences and perceptions, and CAC members provide their own observations.

A demonstration is planned for June 28, 2017 at the FC Cincinnati game. There are also several other events planned by various community groups. UC has met with various political, community, and law enforcement officials to plan for safety concerns. All other protests have been peaceful and we do not anticipate any problems.

Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office will make the decision regarding a third trial the week of July 10, 2017.

Future Meeting
  • Tuesday, August 1, 2017 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM in 320 University Pavilion