Public Safety

February 28, 2017

Safety & Reform Community Advisory Council


Welcome and Administrative Matters

Judge John A. West, Chairman

Introduction of President Neville G. Pinto, PhD
Introduction of Advisory Council Members
Please share your experience/perspective as a CAC Member
What is your assessment of the progress regarding safety & reform efforts?
What are some of the challenges ahead?

External Monitoring

Dr. Robin S. Engel, VP for Safety & Reform

First Quarter Report

Student Engagement

S. Gregory Baker, Director, Police Community Relations, UCPD

Spring Planning

Traffic Accidents/Pedestrians Struck

Dr. Engel


Perceptions of Policing Survey – second wave

Dr. Engel

Baseline Measures

Next Meetings

  • Tuesday, March 28, 2017 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM in 320 University Pavilion
  • Tuesday, April 25, 2017 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM in 320 University Pavilion



CAC Members

  • Judge John West, Chair
  • Eric Abercrumbie
  • Doug Barge
  • Marcus Bethay
  • Peg Fox
  • Bobby Hilton
  • Raven Jackson
  • Jack Martin
  • KZ Smith
  • Ennis Tait
  • Terri Theetge
  • Charlene Ventura

UC Administration

  • President, Neville Pinto
  • Executive Vice President, Ryan Hays
  • Gregory Baker
  • Anthony Carter
  • Robin Engel
  • Maris Herold
  • Bleuzette Marshall
  • James Whalen

CAC Members Not in Attendance

  • Mike Ealy
  • Aaron Greenlea
  • Chara Fisher Jackson
  • Dolores Learmonth
  • Mel Otten
  • Mitchell Phelps
This table lists topics discussed at the meeting that need further action taken, the name of the person responsible for completing the action and the date that the action needs to be completed.
Action Items Responsible Person(s) Due Date
Send Members Dates for Quarterly Reviews by Exiger Morris 3/1/2017
Post minutes of 2/28/17 meeting to website Engel/Morris 3/20/17

Welcome and Administrative Matters

Judge John West, Chairman

Welcome and introduction

Introduction and Discussion

Neville Pinto, President, University of Cincinnati

President Pinto thanked CAC Members for their service to the University.
Briefly described his guiding philosophies and commitment to the University, surrounding communities, and greater Cincinnati region, stressing the importance of community engagement.

Asked for comments from CAC members.

  • Members noted their commitment to the CAC, the importance of the work, and some initial successes.
  • Members also described concerns regarding the lack of diversity within the University (beyond the issues associated with the UCPD).
  • Members noted that communication with the CAC has been open, candid and productive, and further that the work of the CAC is critical and attention on these issues should not dissipate.
  • Members also noted the need for administrative commitment and resources to continue the reform efforts.
  • Members noted the importance of supporting the UCPD Officers and staff.
  • President Pinto reiterated that diversity is a strength and is a critical piece of his vision for the University and the City.
  • President Pinto also noted the importance of ensuring our strategies are based on best practices and evolving bases of knowledge.

Exiger Monitoring Team

Dr. Robin S. Engel, VP for Safety & Reform

Reform team is working on submission of Quarterly Reporting Period #1 (Q1) materials.

Materials are submitted to Exiger thru an online smart sheet for review and determination of compliance.

Q1 Reporting – May 3, 2017

Exiger will be on-site to present Q1 Report to the Board of Trustees, Audit & Risk Management Committee (Ron Brown, Ginger Warner, and Tom Mischell). Additional attendees include BoT Chair Tom Cassady, President Neville Pinto, Bob Ambach, Sr. VP of Administration & Finance, Anita Ingram, Asst. VP/Chief Risk Officer and Christine Ackerman, Assoc. VP/Dir. of Internal Audit.

CAC meeting schedule will be adjusted to match the BoT Committee meetings.

Quarterly report cards will be posted on our website.

At next meeting: Discuss necessary date changes of upcoming meetings. Members agreed that Tuesday evening is best time. Dr. Engel will follow-up to confirm Exiger presentations at CAC meetings Tuesday evenings prior to BoT Committee Meetings on Wednesday mornings.

Student Engagement

S. Gregory Baker, Director of Police Community Relations, UCPD

Discussed the creation of new workshops for students to engage with UCPD officers – Cop Connections.

Workshops are reformatted, with additional topics designed to be more interactive and appealing to students. UCPD hired an undergraduate student affiliated with UBSA to help with this project.

Cop Connections workshop held last week with 50 students and 9 officers attending the event.

Brings students and officers together in an environment that allows them to get to know one another and find things they have in common. Played ice-breaker games and ate food. Goal is to get to know one another.

Can customize workshops for whatever a group is interested in; goal is engagement and developing relationships between the police officers and our student community.

Traffic Accidents/Pedestrians Struck

Dr. Engel

Concerns raised with Cincinnati City Council in January.

Traffic collisions and pedestrians struck have significantly increased in areas surrounding UC.

  • Average number of crashes prior to July 19 was approximately 90 per month. After July 2015, the number jumps to 130 per month.
  • 50 pedestrians were struck in 2016; over 40% increase to previous 3-year average.
  • Already in 2017, last 2 months there have been 15 pedestrians struck (compared to 34 pedestrians for the entire year in 2015).

Want to work with the city to develop innovative solutions to reduce harm.

Discussion regarding how the CAC can help with this problem.

Need education and better assistance / partnership with the city.

UCPD will be starting a problem solving project to identify simple and cost effective solutions, and raise awareness for pedestrians and drivers.

CAC Member, Jack Martin sits on a transportation committee; they would like to be involved in this problem solving project.

City of Cincinnati Law and Public Safety Committee has directed Michael Moore, Director of Transportation and Engineering for the City of Cincinnati and the City Traffic Department to work with us.

Partnership with the city is critical.

Perceptions of Policing Survey – Second Wave

Dr. Engel

Survey went out last year; goal of Perceptions of Policing Survey is to establish baseline measures of UC community of experiences and perceptions of UC Police and CPD on or near campus.

Second wave of the survey was released today and will close March 14, 2017.

Will compare second wave findings to results to last year to measure any progress made, and determine how perceptions regarding the UCPD may have changed.

Will use findings to guide reform efforts.


Judge West

Judge West addressed the open carry issue discussed at February CAC meeting.

  • Commended UC for their handling of the situation.
  • Public Safety sent out an Open Carry FAQ sheet to all UC faculty, staff and students.
  • Document explained the law; helped answer questions and helped the UC community to understand situation.
Future Meetings
  • Tuesday, March 28, 2017 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM in 320 University Pavilion
  • Tuesday, May 2, 2017 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM in 320 University Pavilion