Public Safety

External Reports and Voluntary Monitorship

Exiger is a company that was founded in 2013 with a core mission of Integrity Assurance. Founded by former Kroll executives to lead the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) appointed monitorship of HSBC – the largest and most comprehensive monitorship ever, its professionals have decades of experience in independent integrity-related assignments. Jeff Schlanger, the President of Exiger Advisory and UCPD's Independent Monitor, was the Deputy Independent Monitor for the Los Angeles Police Department, developing the methodology for the monitorship and running its day to day operations. He served on the Executive Board of the Department of Justice-sponsored committee that produced the "National Guidelines for Police Monitors." Exiger's professionals have extensive experience working with both public and private entities in high-stakes environments, and have a deep understanding of the independent oversight process and the importance of transparency and collaboration in ensuring the success of reform efforts.

Continuing Recommendations

The document below shows the works UCPD has done on each of the continuing recommendations Exiger gave when UCPD completed its voluntary monitorship. Documentation of completion is available upon request.

Continuing Recommendations


Requests for Proposals and Accepted Proposals

Team Documents