Portfolio Review Process

The Portfolio Review Process involves the identification, documentation, assessment, and recognition of learning acquired through formal and informal study. This may include work and life experience, training, independent study, military experience, volunteering, travel, hobbies, and family experiences.

What is a portfolio?

A portfolio is a document or collection of documents that shows evidence of the knowledge you gained. The knowledge must directly relate to the learning objectives of the course for which you are applying.

What are the requirements?

Documentation of Prior Learning

The following types of documentation may be used or requested as part of a Portfolio. This is not an exhaustive list.

  • Letters from employers clearly stating the skills learned from job duties
  • Certificate(s) of completion of workshops or trainings attended
  • Certificate(s) of completion of online, non-credit courses
  • Completed projects or work with detailed descriptions, examples, and references (e.g., links, screen shots, demonstrations)
  • Any other documentation specified by your program

Student Eligibility

In order to be eligible for a Portfolio Review, you must:

  • Verify with your academic advisor that the credits will count toward your degree prior to submitted your Portfolio Review Application
  • Be a matriculated (degree-seeking) student
  • Be currently enrolled and in good academic standing
  • Not be enrolled in the course(s) for which you are requesting credit
  • Not have previously audited or failed the course(s) for which you are requesting credit
  • Complete all paperwork—including a statement of competency and a completed application packet
  • Pay all application fees

How long does a portfolio review take?

After submitting your Portfolio Review Application, please allow up to five weeks for evaluation.

How do I submit a Portfolio Review Request?

Make sure you have compiled all of the necessary documentation as noted above. When you are ready, you can access the submission form from the button below.