Registration How to Guide
This page details steps for completing all enrollment transactions including: adding, dropping and withdrawing, swapping, and editing classes.
How do I add classes?
Classes can be added by students via Catalyst. Note: After online registration has closed (as is indicated on the Dates and Deadlines Calendar), you will still register via Catalyst, but you will need permission from the college to add the class late.
Follow the instructions below to add a class.
- Log into Catalyst.
- Select the My Academics tile.
- Open the Classes and Schedule drop–down menu.
- Select Add/Drop/Edit Classes.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to search and register for the class you need.
- Make sure you make it all the way to the end and receive the green check mark that says you are registered.
- Verify that the class was added by checking your schedule.
If you are receiving an error, follow the Class Permissions Procedures to be granted permission for the following issues.
- Class is full
- Requisites have not been met
- Department Consent Required
- Instructor Consent Required
- Class is scheduled in a session where permission is now required
Once you have been given permission to enroll, it is your responsibility to register via Catalyst.
Note: For Flex Session Classes, see Flex Session Late Registrations below.
Students wishing to add a class after the term has ended will need to submit a completed Add/Drop Form with the student signature, instructor signature, and offering college signature.
Additional paperwork from the instructor will also need to be submitted separately in order to record the grade for the class. This paperwork will not be able to be sent to the student. The faculty member or a representative from the college must request the form from our office by emailing
Completed Add/Drop Forms should be emailed to or submitted via the upload form. Pictures taken from a smartphone are acceptable as long as they are legible.
In order to override a Catalyst error and register for a class, you will need to first make note of what the Catalyst error states. A list of common registration errors and solutions are found on the Registration FAQs page.
If you are receiving one of the errors below, follow the Class Permissions Procedures to be granted permission to register.
- Class is full
- Requisites have not been met
- Department Consent Required
- Instructor Consent Required
- Class is scheduled in a session where permission is now required
- Log into Catalyst.
- Select the My Academics tile.
- Open the Classes and Schedule drop–down menu.
- Select Add/Drop/Edit Classes.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to search and find the class you want.
- When you get to the Enrollment Processes screen, check the box to Wait list if class is full.
- Make sure you make it all the way to the end and receive the green check mark. Your position on the waitlist will be listed on this page.
- You can keep track of your waitlist position by checking your schedule.
- An email will be sent if you are enrolled from the waitlist.
Review the Waitlist Enrollment page for videos and other waitlist resources
During Open Enrollment (Online Registration)
If you want to enroll in a class with a time conflict, you will need to submit an Add/Drop Form:
- Only the student signature is required during Open Enrollment. (You do not need to obtain the instructor or offering college signature.)
- Indicate either on the form or in the email that you are requesting to add a class with a time conflict.
- Completed Add/Drop Forms should be emailed to or submitted via the upload form. (Pictures taken from a smartphone are acceptable as long as they are legible.)
Note: If you do not meet the requisites, the class requires department or instructor consent, or the class is closed (full), you will need to obtain instructor signature.
After Open Enrollment (Online Registration) Has Ended
If you want to enroll in a class with a time conflict after online registration has closed, you will need to submit an Add/Drop Form:
- Student, instructor, and offering college signatures are needed.
- Indicate either on the form or in the email that you are requesting to add a class with a time conflict.
- Completed Add/Drop Forms should be emailed to or submitted via the upload form. (Pictures taken from a smartphone are acceptable as long as they are legible.)
First, determine whether the class is in dropped or withdrawn status.
- A dropped class will not have a grade.
- A withdrawn class will have a grade of W or WT.
Once you determine the status of the class, follow the instructions below.
Dropped Classes
As long as you dropped the class during the drop/100% refund period, you should be able to re–enroll via Catalyst. You will need to follow the Class Permissions Procedures if the last day to register online has passed.
Withdrawn Classes (Classes Graded With a WT or W)
If you withdrew from a class and wish to re–enroll, you will need to submit an Add/Drop Form:
- Only the student and instructor signatures are needed. (You do not need to obtain the offering college signature.)
- Indicate either on the form or in the email that you are requesting to re–enroll in the class.
- Completed Add/Drop Forms should be emailed to or submitted via the upload form. (Pictures taken from a smartphone are acceptable as long as they are legible.)
Note: If you also need to change credit hours or change how your class is graded (normal, pass/fail, or audit), you will need to refer to those instructions because additional information will be required on the Add/Drop Form.
If you wish to audit a class, but the drop–down option for an audit is not available when you register in Catalyst, there are two different reasons this may happen.
If you are an undergraduate student trying to audit a graduate class or a graduate student trying to audit an undergraduate class, first double–check if there is a class option that matches your career of study. Sometimes, classes are taught for both undergraduate and graduate credit under different course numbers. If so, simply try registering for audit credit under the class associated with your academic career of study. If this option isn't available to you, you will need to:
- Download the Add/Drop Form
- Make sure the Audit option is selected
- Sign the form (Student Signature)
- Obtain other required signatures
- After Open Enrollment (online registration), Instructor Signature is always required
- After the 100% Refund/Drop period, College Signature is always required
Sometimes a department may remove the audit option from a particular course. It's possible that the instructor will allow a special circumstance. In order for this to be approved, you will need to:
- Download the Add/Drop Form
- Make sure the Audit option is selected
- Sign the form (Student Signagure)
- Obtain the Instructor Signature
- Obtain the Offering College signature if it is past the 100% Refund/Drop period
How do I drop or withdraw from classes?
The drop action in Catalyst is used for both drops and withdrawals.
- Dropped classes do not show up on your academic record, and you are not charged for a dropped class.
- Withdrawn classes will remain on your academic record, and the associated charges will remain on your bill.
The 100% Refund/Drop Deadline and the No Refund/Withdrawal Period are found on the Dates and Deadlines Calendars. The date that you utilize the drop action determines whether the action is counted as a drop or a withdrawal. (Note: International students will first need to be granted access to withdraw from the UC International Office if they are going below full–time enrollment.)
Follow the directions below to access the drop screen in Catalyst.
- Log into Catalyst.
- Select the My Academics tile.
- Open the Classes and Schedule drop–down menu.
- Select Add/Drop/Edit Classes.
- Click on the drop hyperlink at the top of the page.
- Make sure you make it all the way to the end and receive the green check mark that says you have dropped your class.
- Verify that your class was dropped or withdrawn by checking your schedule. (Dropped and withdrawn classes will both show as dropped. However, dropped classes will not have a recorded grade, and withdrawn classes will have a temporary withdrawal WT grade.)
Withdrawal requests after the last day to withdraw online as indicated in the Dates and Deadlines Calendars require an Add/Drop Form with instructor and student's home college approval. (The error message states, "You do not have access to perform this transaction at this time.")
Completed Add/Drop Forms should be emailed to or submitted via the upload form. Pictures taken from a smartphone are acceptable as long as they are legible.
After the withdrawal has been processed, instructors will receive an email with instructions to enter the withdrawal grade.
How do I swap classes?
You are able to make changes to your schedule during Open Enrollment, if needed. Using Swap allows you to drop one class and add another in the same transaction. Swap is especially useful for waitlist enrollments because it allows you to stay in your original class until you are enrolled in the waitlisted class. Review the Swapping a Class video for step–by–step instructions.
You can utilize the Swap functionality in Catalyst until the last day to withdraw, and the date you make the swap determines how you are charged for classes and what shows on your bill. Classes taught in different sessions (e.g., First Half Session, Full Academic Session, etc.) within the same term will have different Open Enrollment and 100% Refund/Drop dates. Make sure you review the drop deadlines for the classes in your schedule prior to making any changes. Whether or not you are charged for the original class—and whether or not it remains on your record—is determined by the 100% Refund/Drop deadline for the class you are dropping.
If you are in a Learning Community, you will need to work with your Academic Advisor if classes need to be swapped.
You are able to swap classes during the 100% Refund/Drop period, but you will need to obtain permission to add the new class after Open Enrollment has ended. Review the Swapping a Class video for step–by–step instructions.
Make sure you review the drop deadlines for your schedule prior to making any changes. Whether or not you are still charged for the original class is determined by the 100% Refund/Drop deadline for the class you are dropping.
Specific instructions and information regarding editing credit hours or grading options, switching sections, and changing between an undergraduate and a graduate class are outlined elsewhere on this page.
While you may be able to use Swap after the 100% Refund/Drop deadline, you need to be aware of the financial implications and how the change will impact your record. Even though you may be swapping classes within the same transaction, you are still dropping/withdrawing from one class and adding another.
After the 100% Refund/Drop deadline, dropping a class is counted as a withdrawal even when the drop is processed using Swap in Catalyst. A withdrawn class will stay on your academic record, and any associated charges for the class will remain.
Swapping from a class that is in the withdrawal period and adding a new class may put you into Tuition Overload. Prior to making any schedule changes after the 100% Refund/Drop deadline, you may want to contact Enrollment Services if you are unsure how your bill might change.
Review the Swapping a Class video for step–by–step instructions.
Section Changes
Section changes made within the same session should not be handled via Swap after Open Enrollment has ended. Please review the Section Changes After Open Enrollment section on this page for instructions and further information.
Credit Hour Edits
If you need to edit the credit hours or grading option for your class, do not use Swap. Please review the How do I edit my credit hours or grade option (normal, pass/fail, audit)? section of this page for instructions and further information.
How do I edit my credit hours or grade option (normal, pass/fail, audit)?
Credit hour and grade option changes can be performed via Catalyst. The Online Credit Hour Changes and Switching Between Pass/Fail, Audit, and Normal Grading deadlines can be found on the Dates and Deadlines Calendars.
Follow the directions below to access the Edit screen in Catalyst. Alternatively, you may wish to view the Editing a Class video in our videos section on this page.
- Log into Catalyst.
- Select the My Academics tile.
- Open the Classes and Schedule drop–down menu.
- Select Add/Drop/Edit Classes.
- Click on the Edit hyperlink at the top of the page.
- Select the class that you wish to edit.
- Make sure you make it all the way to the end and receive the green check mark that says you have edited your class.
- Verify that your class was edited by checking your schedule.
Edits that need to occur after the refund deadline require a completed Add/Drop Form. The deadline can be found on the Dates and Deadlines Calendar for each term.
- In the Add section of the form, write the amount of credit hours and grading option that should be on your record.
- In the Drop section of the form, write the amount of credit hours and grading option in which you are currently registered.
- Student, instructor, and college signatures are required.
- Completed Add/Drop Forms should be emailed to or submitted via the upload form. Pictures taken from a smartphone are acceptable as long as they are legible.
Note: We do not actually drop and re-add the class; your credit hours or grading option will be edited on your original registration. You will be charged for the credit hours listed in the Add section of your form. Filling the form out as listed above helps us know exactly how many credit hours should be on your record/bill.
Edits that need to occur after the end of the term require a completed Add/Drop Form. The deadline can be found on the Dates and Deadlines Calendar for each term.
- In the Add section of the form, write the amount of credit hours and grading option that should be on your record.
- In the Drop section of the form, write the amount of credit hours and grading option in which you are currently registered.
- Student, instructor, and college signatures are required.
- Completed Add/Drop Forms should be emailed to or submitted via the upload form. Pictures taken from a smartphone are acceptable as long as they are legible.
- The instructor will also need to submit a Change of Grade Form in order to record the grade for the class. This form is available only to faculty on the Registrar's Bearcats Landing site.
Note: We do not actually drop and re-add the class; your credit hours or grading option will be edited on your original registration. You will be charged for the credit hours listed in the Add section of your form. Filling the form out as listed above helps us know exactly how many credit hours should be on your record/bill.
If you wish to audit a class, but the drop–down option for an audit is not available when you register in Catalyst, there are two different reasons this may happen.
If you are an undergraduate student trying to audit a graduate class or a graduate student trying to audit an undergraduate class, first double–check if there is a class option that matches your career of study. Sometimes, classes are taught for both undergraduate and graduate credit under different course numbers. If so, simply try registering for audit credit under the class associated with your academic career of study. If this option isn't available to you, you will need to:
- Download the Add/Drop Form
- Make sure the Audit option is selected
- Sign the form (Student Signature)
- Obtain other required signatures
- After Open Enrollment (online registration), Instructor Signature is always required
- After the 100% Refund/Drop period, College Signature is always required
Sometimes a department may remove the audit option from a particular course. It's possible that the instructor will allow a special circumstance. In order for this to be approved, you will need to:
- Download the Add/Drop Form
- Make sure the Audit option is selected
- Sign the form (Student Signagure)
- Obtain the Instructor Signature
- Obtain the Offering College signature if it is past the 100% Refund/Drop period
How do I switch sections of the same course?
Section changes can be performed during Open Registration (open enrollment) by using the Swap link under Add/Drop Classes in Catalyst. Swapping sections can be performed as long as the classes are taught in the same session (e.g., Full Session, First Half Session, or Second Half Session). Check the Dates and Deadlines Calendars for each term to find the dates when Online Registration is available for each session.
Follow the directions below for directions to Swap in Catalyst. Alternatively, you may wish to view the Swapping a Class video in our videos section on this page.
- Log into Catalyst.
- Select the My Academics tile.
- Open the Classes and Schedule drop–down menu.
- Select Add/Drop/Edit Classes.
- Click on the Swap hyperlink at the top of the page.
- Select the class that you wish to drop.
- Find the class that you wish to add.
- Make sure you make it all the way to the end and receive the green check mark that says you have swapped your classes.
- Verify that your classes were swapped by checking your schedule.
Section changes that need to occur after open registration has closed require a completed Add/Drop Form. Note: This only applies to section changes for the same course (e.g., switching between two sections of ENGL 1001).
- In the Add section, indicate the section you wish to add. The required signatures are
- Student,
- New section instructor, and
- New section offering college.
- In the Drop section, indicate the section in which you are currently enrolled. Only student signatures are required in the Drop section.
- Completed Add/Drop Forms should be emailed to or submitted via the upload form. Pictures taken from a smartphone are acceptable as long as they are legible.
If the sections are in the same session (e.g., Full Session, First Half Session, or Second Half Session), we will remove the original section from your record and add you to the new section. There will be no new charge to your bill.
If the sessions are different (e.g., withdrawing from a First Half Session section and adding a Full Session or Second Half Session section), you will keep the withdrawal for the original class on your record and bill, and the new section will be force–added to your schedule/bill. Note: Depending on how many credits you are adding for the new section, adding a new section in a different session may put you into Tuition Overload. Billing/tuition questions should be directed to Enrollment Services.
How do I change my class from undergraduate to graduate (or graduate to undergraduate)?
Keep in mind that the classes need to be combined in Catalyst for this to be processed. (Click on the section hyperlink in your schedule of classes to see if both the undergraduate and graduate versions of the class are scheduled together.)
If a class in which you are registered needs to be changed from the undergraduate version to the graduate version (or the graduate version to the undergraduate version) and meets the above criteria, you will need an Add/Drop Form.
- In the Add section, write the information for the class you wish to add. The required signatures are
- Student,
- New section instructor, and
- New section offering college.
- In the Drop section, write in the information for the class in which you are currently registered. Only student signatures are required in the Drop section.
- Completed Add/Drop Forms should be emailed to or submitted via the upload form. Pictures taken from a smartphone are acceptable as long as they are legible.
When processing, your original class will be removed from your schedule, and the new class will be added in its place. You will only be charged for the new class.
How do I add or withdraw from a Flex Session class after the online deadline?
Late adds and withdrawals for Flex Session classes must be processed with an Add/Drop Form. Completed Add/Drop Forms should be emailed to or submitted via the upload form. Forms require student, instructor, and college signatures. Pictures taken from a smartphone are acceptable as long as they are legible.
You will need to check Catalyst for these dates as they are specific to each Flex Session class.
Contact Information
Registration Help
If you have any registration questions that are not answered on this page or in the related pages, please contact
Billing and Financial Aid Help
If you have questions about how adding, dropping, or withdrawing from classes will impact your bill or financial aid eligibility, please contact Enrollment Services.
Advising Help
If you need advising assistance, check out the Advising & Academic Services Resources page to schedule an advising appointment and access other advising resources and tools.