Class Permission Requests

Students who wish to add a class—but are receiving an error message—may follow the Class Permissions Procedures listed on this page to override the error. Permissions will override a closed class, requisites not met, department consent required, instructor consent required, and late adds.

How do I request permission?

Permissions are granted by the college teaching the class. You can find the college on the Schedule of Classes under the Offering College heading.

Check out our Registration FAQs to see if the error you received in Catalyst can be overridden with a Class Permission.

Note: The Office of the Registrar is unable to process requests for students.

The colleges and units listed below have unique processes. You will need to follow their process instead of using the form on this page.

For all other offering colleges, complete the Class Permission Request form below.

College-Conservatory of Music Process

First Action: Student Contacts Instructor

  1. Find the instructor listed on the Schedule of Classes.
  2. Contact the instructor via information provided in the UC Directory.
  3. If instructor is listed as "Staff", contact the college using the Contact Information provided below.

Next Step: Student Completes CCM Closed Class Form

Student completes CCM Closed Class Form (with instructor signature) and brings it to:

CCM College Office
3235 Mary Emery Hall

Alternatively, students may email

Processing/Student Notification

Student notified either verbally or via email when complete

Final Action

Student Enrolls in Class Online via Catalyst

Contact Information

CCM Administration
(513) 556-9471

College of Engineering & Applied Science Graduate Classes Process

First Action: Student Contacts Advisor

Next Step

Advisor works with department and instructor to determine space availability and/or met requisites

Processing/Student Notification

Student notified either verbally or via email when complete

Final Action

Student Enrolls in Class Online via Catalyst

Contact Information

CEAS Advising

Lindner College of Business Undergraduate Classes Process

First Action

Current Students

Student logs into Lindner Central using their Central ID and password and  fills out the Closed Class Petition.

  1. Click the Student Services tile (looks like a globe with a graduation cap)
  2. Select the Closed Class Petition tile (looks like a person with a graduation cap)

Note: The form will need to be filled out for each class request.

Students looking to late add a class after the completion of open registration should reach out directly to the faculty member of the course section that they are trying to add. If the faculty member approves the late add, the faculty member will email with the class, section number (e.g., BA 3080-002) and the student’s M#. The student will be copied on this message. The request will be reviewed to ensure room capacity and completion of appropriate requisites. Jenn Wiswell will email the student with permission to register, if appropriate.

Non-Matriculated (Visiting) Students

Non-matriculated (visiting) students should email Jenn Wiswell ( to request permission to enroll in a closed class. Students should include M#, class and section number (e.g., OM 3080-001), and the reason they wish to take the class. If the class has requisites, also include verification of requisites taken at another institution.

Processing/Student Notification

Undergraduate Programs Office emails student if a spot is available for them.

Final Action

Student Enrolls in Class Online via Catalyst

Contact Information

LCB Undergraduate Programs Office
(513) 556-7030

Lindner College of Business Graduate Classes Process

First Action: Student Contacts Instructor

  1. Find the instructor listed on the Schedule of Classes.
  2. Contact the instructor via information provided in the UC Directory.
  3. If instructor is listed as "Staff", contact the college using the Contact Information provided below.

Next Step

Instructor emails approval to Department/Program staff

Processing/Student Notification

Student notified either verbally or via email when complete

Final Action

Student Enrolls in Class Online via Catalyst

Contact Information

Graduate Programs Office
(513) 556-7020

Cooperative Education & Professional Studies

First Action: Student Contacts Instructor

  1. Find the instructor listed on the Schedule of Classes.
  2. Contact the instructor via information provided in the UC Directory.
  3. If instructor is listed as "Staff", contact the college using the Contact Information provided below.

Next Step

Instructor emails approval to Department/Program staff

Processing/Student Notification

Student notified either verbally or via email when complete

Final Action

Student Enrolls in Class Online via Catalyst

Contact Information

(513) 556-2801