
The world around us is changing at an ever-accelerating pace. Needs are different. Expectations are heightened. And at UC, we've taken notice. Today, the role of an urban university has never been more important or exciting. In response, UC is implementing a strategic direction, Next Lives Here, to advance our mission and vision and create our future.

Next Lives Here is bigger than a plan, and can't be defined or put away. It challenges us to think bigger, drive discovery, and transform how we teach and learn, conduct research, serve, and care for others.

Next Lives Here is about preparing the next generation of leaders. Because if you change someone's life, they can positively change the world. 

Unleashing Our Vision.

Leading urban public universities into a new era of innovation and impact.

The University of Cincinnati has pioneered bold change for 200 years. Next Lives Here, which builds on our past, is meant to disrupt academia's conventional ways of thinking and doing, to define our next 200 years. It outlines an inventive framework that includes three platforms supported by nine pathways. We intend to use this inventive framework to ignite the curiosity of our students, inspire our faculty and staff, and unleash ingenuity to create an environment that provides the freedom to learn, explore, and innovate.  

Living Our Values.


Challenging existing practices and paradigms and discovering the unknown.


Positively transforming our community and society in measurable ways.


Collaborating to foster connections and fuel innovation and impact.