Bearcat Promise
Bearcat Promise is the University of Cincinnati’s commitment to our students to provide the people, tools, and experiences that will ensure their opportunity to complete a degree and prepare them to pursue a career and professional life after graduation. Our history of world-class co-op and experiential learning are paired with outstanding academic advising and supports as well as a rich student life.
“Students will walk across the stage with a
degree in one hand and a plan for their
career and professional development
in the other”
– President Pinto’s vision of the Bearcat Promise
While many elements go into Bearcat Promise, these are a few designed to drive students toward completing their degree and preparing them for their future.
Career Planning: Begins the first year through exposure to planning tools, articulation of aptitudes, preferences and values, exploration of professional possibilities, and goal identification.
Career Learning Outcomes: Embedded in curriculum to ensure career preparation for all UC undergraduate students.
Career Studio: Provides walk-in career support, student workshops and employer events.
Academic Advising: Proactive and includes career advising, utilizes Graduation Plan technology, and is connected to student's goals, progress, and outcomes.
Improving Success through Data Analytics: Improving success in gateway courses using a data analytics framework that evaluates policies and procedures, societal factors, and student experiences.
Co-Curricular Experiences: Focused on leadership development, community engagement, career readiness, and health and wellness.