Recipients (Alphabetical)

Honorary Degree Recipients in Alphabetical Order
Name Degree Year
Abell, Irvin  Doctor of Laws  1943
Adams, Arthur S.  Doctor of Laws 1955
Adams, Phillip Rhys  Doctor of Humane Letters 1964
Adler, Stella Doctor of Performing Arts 1991
Alexander, John Frank Doctor of Performing Arts 1967
Allyn, Stanley Charles Doctor of Humane Letters 1956
Amer, James Barr Doctor of Laws 1908
Anderson, James M.  Doctor of Science 2017
Angell, James Rowland Doctor of Laws 1920
Applegate, O. Lester Doctor of Commercial Science  1971
Appleton, Sir Edward Victor Doctor of Letters 1957
Aring, Charles D.  Doctor of Humane Letters 1990
Armstrong, Neil Doctor of Science 1982
Aronoff, Stanley J. Doctor of Laws 1990
Asbury Eslie Doctor of Science 1976
Auburn, Norman P.  Doctor of Laws 1952
Austin, Helen Elsie Doctor of Humane Letters 1969
Babbitt, Bruce Doctor of Laws 1995
Bachmeyer, Arthur Charles Doctor of Science 1935
Bacon, Admund N. Doctor of Public Service 1980
Balanchine, George Doctor of Performing Arts 1967
Baldwin, Ward Doctor of Science 1915
Barger, A. Clifford Doctor of Science 1977
Barrett, C. Francis Doctor of Humane Letters 2015
Barrett, Charles M. Doctor of Humane Letters 1987
Barrett, John F. Doctor of Humane Letters 2011
Barrett, Michael R.  Doctor of Humane Letters 2002
Bartlett, Walter E. Doctor of Letters 1988
Bass, Charles Cassidy Doctor of Science 1920
Battle, Kathleen Doctor of Performing Arts 1983
Bauer, Louis Agricola Doctor of Science 1913
Bauer, Bertha Master of Arts 1925
Beck, Clark E. Doctor of Science 2003
Beckjord, Walter Clarence Doctor of Engineering 1956
Beer, Lori A.  Doctor of Commercial Science 2022
Bell, H. Glenn Doctor of Science 1961
Benedict, Alfred B. Doctor of Laws 1917
Bennis, Warren G. Doctor of Humane Letters 2007
Bereskin, Alexander B. Doctor of Science 1991
Berger, Raoul Doctor of Laws 1975
Berns, H. Jerome Doctor of Commercial Science 1962
Berry, Theodore Moody Doctor of Laws 1968
Berte, Neal R. Doctor of Humane Letters 1993
Bevis, Howard L. Doctor of Laws 1940
Bhati, Anant R. Doctor of Science 2010
Biddle, Livingston Ludow, Jr. Doctor of Fine Arts 1979
Bierkoe, George O. Doctor of Letters 1971
Bilger, Leonora Neuffer Doctor of Laws 1950
Billings, Frank Doctor of Laws 1924
Bingham, Barry Doctor of Humane Letters 1962
Bishop, Barry C. Doctor of Science  1994
Bisplinghoff, Raymond L. Doctor of Science 1963
Blankenhorn, Marion Arthur Doctor of Humane Letters 1957
Blegen, Carl William Doctor of Laws 1958
Bonham, Jeanne Snodgrass Doctor of Laws 1995
Bookman, Clarence Monroe Doctor of Humane Letters 1929
Booth, L. Venchael Doctor of Humane Letters 1989
Borges, Jorge Luis Doctor of Humane Letters 1976
Borgman, Jim Doctor of Humane Letters 1991
Bosanquet, Charles Ian Carr Doctor of Laws 1964
Bradford, Leland Doctor of Laws 1976
Brand, Louis Doctor of Science 1956
Branson, Herman Russell Doctor of Science 1967
Braun, Emma Lucy Doctor of Science 1964
Bridgewater, Pamela E. Doctor of Laws 2006
Briggs, Lord Asa Doctor of Letters 1977
Brodie, Renton Kirkwood Doctor of Laws 1963
Brokamp, Raymond John Doctor of Humane Letters 2010
Bronk, Detlev Wulf Doctor of Engineering 1951
Brooks, Gwendolyn Doctor of Letters 1974
Brown, Donald D. Doctor of Science 1992
Brown, Henry T. Doctor of Science 2001
Brown, Jack E. Doctor of Commercial Science 1998
Brown, Tim  Doctor of Arts & Humane Letters 2024
Bruner, Jerome Seymour Doctor of Letters 1966
Bucher, Walter Doctor of Science 1963
Buckberg, Gerald D. Doctor of Science 2007
Budig, Otto M. Doctor of Humane Letters 2009
Bullock, John R. Doctor of Laws 1963
Burck, Arthur Albert Doctor of Laws 1969
Burns, Norman Doctor of Letters 1970
Bursiek, Ralph C. Doctor of Commercial Science 1976
Burton, Harold Hitz Doctor of Laws 1958
Butler, William J. Doctor of Humane Letters 1988
Camara, Dom Helder Doctor of Laws 1975
Campbell, Mary Edith Doctor of Humane Letters 1931
Carmichael, Daniel P. Doctor of Laws 2006
Carlson, William S. Doctor of Letters 1970
Carter, Elliott Doctor of Humane Letters 1989
Cassady, Thomas D. Doctor of Letters 2019
Castellini, Robert H. Doctor of Commercial Science 2013
Catton, Bruce Doctor of Humane Letters 1964
Cavenee, Webster K. Doctor of Science 2002
Chandler,  Albert B. Doctor of Laws 1991
Chandler, Frank Wadleigh Doctor of Letters 1944
Chesley, Stanley M. Doctor of Humane Letters 1993
Chisholm, Shirley Doctor of Laws 1975
Clark, Frank M. Doctor of Laws 1914
Clarke, Timothy D. Doctor of Commercial Science 2005
Clay, Lucius D. Doctor of Laws 1965
Cliburn, Van Doctor of Music 1974
Clooney, Nick Doctor of Humane Letters 2012
Cockrum, Charles A. Doctor of Science 1993
Cohen, Dolly Lurie Doctor of Humane Letters 1967
Colaw, Emerson Stephen Doctor of Letters 1969
Coles, Robert Doctor of Humane Letters 1976
Commager, Henry Steele Doctor of Laws 1975
Condit, Carl Wilbur Doctor of Letters 1967
Condon, Randall Doctor of Laws 1925
Constant, Frank Henry Doctor of Science 1915
Conway, Herbet Doctor of Science 1969
Corbett, J. Ralph Doctor of Humane Letters 1963
Corbett, Patricia Doctor of Music 1976
Cornelius, Dorothy A. Doctor of Public Service 1984
Costen, Lloyd E. Doctor of Humane Letters 1994
Courter, Claude V. Doctor of Humane Letters 1955
Cox, Archibald Doctor of Laws 1967
Cox, Phillip R. Doctor of Humane Letters 2009
Cox, W. Howard Doctor of Commerical Science  1958
Coy, Francis Doctor of Commerical Science 1976
Crabbs, George D.  Doctor of Science  1928
Crawford, Alvin H. Doctor of Science  2018
Crist, Raymond E. Doctor of Science 1969
Crouch, Charles B. Doctor of Laws 1962
Currie, Charles L. Doctor of Humane Letters 1984
Dabney, Charles William Doctor of Laws 1937
Dale, Francis Lykins Doctor of Laws 1967
Daniels, Barbara Doctor of Performing Arts 1993
Davies, Chase Mason Doctor of Laws 1959
Davis, Jacob Erastus Doctor of Commercial Science 1964
Day, Edmund Ezra Doctor of Laws 1943
Day, Robert Henry Doctor of Laws 1933
De Nora, Vittorio Doctor of Science 1995
DeBakey, Michael Ellis Doctor of Letters 1969
deChambrun, Jean Pierre Doctor of Humane Letters 1965
DeLay, Dorothy Doctor of Performing Arts 2001
Dello Joio, Norman Joseph Doctor of Music 1967
Deupree, Richard R. Doctor of Laws 1955
Diaz, Armando V. Doctor of Laws 1921
Dick, George Frederick Doctor of Science 1925
Dick, Gladys H. Doctor of Science 1925
Dillon, David B. Doctor of Commercial Science 2014
Dinsmore, Frank F. Doctor of Laws 1948
Dodd, William Edward Doctor of Laws 1929
Dodds, Harold Willis Doctor of Laws 1935
Dolbey, Dorothy Nichols Doctor of Humane Letters 1969
Dole, Elizabeth Doctor of Humane Letters 1999
Donahue, Phil Doctor of Journalism 1988
Dorst, Stanley E. Doctor of Humane Letters 1962
Dowd, Marian LaCour Doctor of Performing Arts 1968
Draper, Walter Adams Doctor of Humane Letters 1956
Dudley, William Lofland Doctor of Laws 1914
Duffey, Joseph Daniel Doctor of Humane Letters 1978
Dumas, Rhetaugh Graves Doctor of Public Service 1981
Dupuis, Charles W. Master of Arts 1922
Dupuis, Charles W. Doctor of Commercial Science 1956
Dury, Ralph Doctor of Science 1976
Dury, Ralph E. Master of Science 1958
Duveneck, Frank Doctor of Laws 1917
Dyer, Elizabeth Doctor of Science 1954
Dykstra, Charles Addison Doctor of Letters 1937
Dzau, Victor J. Doctor of Science 2015
Eames, Charles and Ray Doctor of Fine Arts 1978
Earley, Jane Deserisy Doctor of Humane Letters 1966
Eban, Abba Doctor of Laws 1974
Edelman, Randy Doctor of Fine Arts 2004
Edwards, George C.  Doctor of Laws 1982
Eisendrath, Maurice Nathan Doctor of Laws 1957
Emery, Mary Doctor of Laws 1920
Engel, Lehman Doctor of Music 1971
Ervin, Sam Doctor of Laws 1974
Estes, Elliott M. Doctor of Science 1971
Everingham, Lyle Doctor of Commercial Science 1993
Fabe, Robert Doctor of Fine Arts 1998
Fairbank, John Doctor of Letters 1973
Farrell, Erma Pfleger Doctor of Humane Letters 1969
Farrell, Suzanne Doctor of Performing Arts 1990
Fawcett, Novice G. Doctor of Laws 1960
Fealy, Robert L.  Doctor of Commercial Science  2013
Feis, Herbert Doctor of Laws 1968
Felson, Benjamin Doctor of Science 1988
Fenneman, Nevin M. Doctor of Laws 1940
Ferger, Roger H. Doctor of Humane Letters 1962
Ferson, Merton Doctor of Laws 1947
Fields, Ernest S. Doctor of Laws 1961
Filkosky, William J. Doctor of Commercial Science  1984
Fischer, Martin Henry Doctor of Laws 1951
Fite, Dean Pickering Doctor of Commercial Science  1970
Fleisher, Leon Doctor of Music 2013
Fleming, John Doctor of Science 1933
Flory, Paul J. Doctor of Science 1982
Franklin, John Hope Doctor of Humane Letters 1998
Friendly, Henry Jacob Doctor of Laws 1968
Fromm, Paul Doctor of Music  1974
Frost, Robert Doctor of Laws 1954
Fulford, Margaret Doctor of Science 1988
Gallagher, Buell Gordon Doctor of Letters 1957
Gavin, Frank Stanton Doctor of Laws 1932
Geddes, Sir Aukland Doctor of Laws 1920
Geier, Frederick V. Doctor of Laws 1956
Geier, James A.D. Doctor of Commercial Science 1983
Geier, Philip Otto, Jr. Doctor of Commercial Science 1971
Geist, William Doctor of Humane Letters 2003
Gert, Bernard Doctor of Humane Letters 2006
Gest, J.H. Doctor of Humane Letters 1922
Gettler, Benjamin Doctor of Commercial Science 2003
Gieringer, Carl K. Doctor of Science 1976
Glenn, John Doctor of Engineering 2013
Glueck, Nelson Doctor of Laws 1936
Goering, John B. Doctor of Commercial Science 2005
Goodhart, Arthur Lehman Doctor of Humane Letters  1964
Gottschalk, Alfred Doctor of Laws 1976
Gowdy, Robert C. Doctor of Science 1947
Graham, Evarts Ambrose Doctor of Science 1927
Graham, Michael J. Doctor of Humanities 2013
Graves, Michael Doctor of Fine Arts 1982
Green, James Albert Doctor of Letters 1948
Gregg, Clifford Cilley Doctor of Laws 1958
Gresham, Perry Epler Doctor of Letters 1966
Grote, Irvin Walter Doctor of Science 1967
Grubb, William I. Doctor of Laws 1933
Haley, Virginia Baker Doctor of Pedagogy 1968
Halifax, Right Hon. Viscount Doctor of Laws 1944
Hall, Joseph Bates Doctor of Commercial Science 1959
Hamner, Earl Doctor of Performing Arts 2008
Handlin, Oscar Doctor of Letters 1981
Harlan, Louis R. Doctor of Letters 1986
Harrell, C.A. Doctor of Laws 1963
Harrison, Rose Granville Doctor of Science  1920
Haskins, Caryl P. Doctor of Laws 1960
Hatcher, Harlan H. Doctor of Laws 1952
Hatfield, Mark Odom Doctor of Laws 1970
Hauck, Frederick A. Doctor of Science 1986
Hawley, Amos Henry Doctor of Letters 1977
Hawley, Paul R.  Doctor of Laws 1944
Hayes, James Doctor of Commercial Science 1977
Hays, Reuben Benjamin Doctor of Commercial Science 1959
Heimann, Gary Doctor of Commercial Science 2015
Heimann, Sandra W. Doctor of Humane Letters 2013
Hektoen, Ludwig Doctor of Laws 1920
Herbold, Robert J. Doctor of Commercial Science 2014
Herget, Paul Doctor of Science 1978
Herman, Stan Doctor of Fine Arts 2008
Hermanies, John H. Doctor of Laws 1992
Herrick, Charles J. Doctor of Science 1926
Herschede, Joan R. Doctor of Commercial Science 2004
Hesburgh, Theodore M. Doctor of Letters 1981
Heuer, George Doctor of Laws 1932
Hexster, Jack H. Doctor of Laws 1978
Hexter, Maurice B. Doctor of Humane Letters 1980
Heyns, Roger Doctor of Laws 1975
Hickman, W. Braddock Doctor of Laws 1966
Hicks, Frederick Doctor of Laws 1928
Hilker, Cathryn Hosea Doctor of Science 2004
Hill, G. Carlton Doctor of Commercial Science 1963
Hirt, Al Doctor of Performing Arts 1968
Hodgson, James D. Doctor of Laws 1972
Hoffman, Charles Doctor of Science 1973
Holland, Jerome Heartwell Doctor of Laws 1966
Hollister, John B. Doctor of Laws 1960
Holmes, Christian Doctor of Laws 1920
Hook, Charles Ruffin Doctor of Public Service 1956
Hope, Bob (Leslie Townes) Doctor of Humane Letters 1970
Horine, Emmet F. Master of Arts 1952
Hovde, Frederick L. Doctor of Humane Letters 1956
Hoven, Ardis Dee Doctor of Science 2013
Huebner, Robert J. Doctor of Laws 1965
Humes, Thomas Doctor of Commercial Science 2016
Jackson, Dennis E. Doctor of Science 1969
Jackson, Jesse L. Doctor of Humane Letters 1979
Jacobs, Carl Marion Doctor of Laws 1964
Jarring, Gunnar Doctor of Laws 1963
Johnson, Howard Doctor of Laws 1973
Johnson, John Doctor of Commercial Science 1976
Johnson, Lewis B. Doctor of Letters 2017
Johnson, Timothy Doctor of Commercial Science 2023
Johnston, Logan T. Doctor of Commercial Science 1962
Johnston, Mary E. Doctor of Laws 1954
Jones, Nathaniel R. Doctor of Laws 1996
Jordan, Barbara Doctor of Laws 1976
Jordan, Edwin O. Doctor of Science 1920
Joyce, David L. Doctor of Commercial Science 2010
Kartalia, Mitchell P. Doctor of Commercial Science 1981
Katz, Reuven J. Doctor of Humane Letters 2001
Kautz, James C. Doctor of Laws 1995
Kawamoto, Minoru Doctor of Commercial Science 1969
Keagy, Walter R. Master of Arts 1958
Keating, William J. Doctor of Laws 1975
Keating, William J. Doctor of Humane Letters 2001
Keefe, John W. Doctor of Laws 1984
Kehoe, Robert A.  Doctor of Science 1978
Keith, Damon J. Doctor of Laws 1997
Kelley, Edgar Stillman Doctor of Laws 1917
Kendall, Edward C. Doctor of Science 1923
Kendle, Candace Doctor of Science 2010
Kenney, Edward C. Doctor of Laws 1963
Kereiakes, Dean J. Doctor of Science 2014
Kettering, Charles F. Doctor of Science 1928
Kinneary, Joseph P. Doctor of Laws 1991
King, Coretta Scott Doctor of Humane Letters 2004
Kirchwey, George Washington Doctor of Laws 1908
Knaggs, Nelson Stuart Doctor of Humane Letters 1971
Knappstein, K. Heinrich Doctor of Laws 1963
Kock, Winston E. Doctor of Science 1952
Kohut, Heinz Doctor of Science 1973
Kolodzik, Marvin P. Doctor of Commercial Science 2018
Koop, C. Everett Doctor of Humane Letters 1991
Kornberg, Hans Doctor of Science 1974
Kramer, Harry Patrick Doctor of Science 1965
Kronenberger, Louis Doctor of Letters 1952
Krueger, Hilmar C. Doctor of Humane Letters 1996
Kunzel, Erich Doctor of Performing Arts 2000
Lahey, Frank H. Doctor of Laws 1951
Landers, Ann Doctor of Humane Letters 1974
Landwith, Henri Doctor of Humane Letters 1997
Langsam, Walter C. Doctor of Laws 1975
Lasker, B. J. Doctor of Commercial Science 1974
Laurence, Daniel Doctor of Laws 1944
Laws, Annie Master of Education 1924
Lazarus, Fred, Jr. Doctor of Commercial Science 1956
Learmonth, Doloris F. Doctor of Humane Letters 2019
LeBlond, Richard Emmett Doctor of Commercial Science 1966
Leutner, Winfred G. Doctor of Laws 1949
Levertov, Denise Doctor of Letters 1973
Levine, Aaron Doctor of Humane Letters 1996
Levine, James Doctor of Music 1973
Lewis, Dean Dewitt Doctor of Science 1920
Lewis, Earl Doctor of Humane Letters 2015
Lewis, Edward Shakespear Doctor of aws 1970
Lewis, Samella Sanders Doctor of Humane Letters 1993
Liatis, Alexis S. Doctor of Laws 1961
Lichter, Jacob Doctor of Humane Letters 1963
Lindhorst, Ambrose H. Doctor of Laws 1985
Lindner, Carl H. Doctor of Commercial Science 1985
Lindner, Carl H. III Doctor of Commercial Science 2016
Lindner, Richard E. Doctor of Commercial Science 2002
Lindner, S. Craig Doctor of Commercial Science 2016
Lingle, Walter Lee, Jr. Doctor of Laws 1969
Lloyd, Curtis Gates Doctor of Science 1926
Lloyd, John Arthur Doctor of Commercial Science 1967
Lloyd, John Uri Doctor of Science 1916
Loewy, Raymond Fernand Doctor of Fine Arts 1956
Logan, Laura R. Doctor of Science 1954
Lopez-Cobos, Jesus Doctor of Performing Arts 1996
Lovett, Robert Williamson Doctor of Science 1920
Lowenstein, Arthur Doctor of Science 1925
Lukens, Matthias E. Doctor of Laws 1968
Maccoby, Eleanor Doctor of Science 1975
Maddox, Eva L. Doctor of Fine Arts 2006
Major, Ralph H. Doctor of Letters 1952
Malone, Beverly Doctor of Science 2015
Mancini, Joseph A. Doctor of Commercial Science 1990
Manggrum, Loretta C. Doctor of Music 1985
Manss, Robert W. Doctor of Laws 1968
Marburg, Theodore Doctor of Laws 1917
Marcus, Jacob Rader Doctor of Laws 1950
Marks, Bernard Doctor of Humane Letters 1993
Marquette, Bleecker Doctor of Humane Letters 1976
Marshall, Carrington T. Doctor of Laws 1925
Martin, William R. Doctor of Laws 2014
Maruska, Edward J. Doctor of Science 1989
Marx, Marjorie McCullough Doctor of Fine Arts 2003
Mayfield, Frank Henderson Doctor of Science 1971
Maynard, Thane Doctor of Science 2012
McBride, Angelo Barro Doctor of Public Service 1983
McClain, William Andrew Doctor of Laws 1971
McCollum, Elmer Vernon Doctor of Science 1920
McCollum, Kevin E. Doctor of Performing Arts 2005
McDonald, Robert A. Doctor of Commercial Science 2010
McElroy, Neil H. Doctor of Commercial Science 1956
McKeachie, Wilbert J. Doctor of Laws 1975
McLaughlin, George Dunlap Master of Science 1924
McMurrich, J. Playfair Doctor of Laws 1924
McVea, Emilie Watts Doctor of Letters 1916
Mead, Margaret Doctor of Science 1965
Melish, John Howard Doctor of Laws 1931
Meyers, Philip M., Sr. Doctor of Commercial Science 1978
Mezes, Sidney Edward Doctor of Laws 1915
Miller, Dane A. Doctor of Commercial Science 2003
Miller, John R. Doctor of Commercial Science 1983
Miller, William Snow Doctor of Science 1920
Millett, John D. Doctor of Letters 1967
Mitchell, Don G. Doctor of Science 1958
Mischell, Thomas E. Doctor of Commercial Science 2022
Mitchell, Samuel C. Doctor of Laws 1914
Mixter, James M. E. Doctor of Humane Letters 1977
Moore, Ann Doctor of Medical Science 2018
Möltmann, Gunter Doctor of Humane Letters 1992
Morgens, Howard Doctor of Laws 1960
Morgenstern, Julian Doctor of Laws 1937
Morrill, James Lewis Doctor of Laws 1948
Moyers, Bill Doctor of Humane Letters 1998
Mulligan, Rev. Robert Doctor of Laws 1976
Myers, Philip Van Ness Doctor of Laws 1913
Nahm, Helen Doctor of Humane Letters 1968
Nelson, Frank Howard Doctor of Laws 1924
Nester, William R. Doctor of Humane Letters 2005
Neumann, Heinrich Doctor of Laws 1910
Neihoff, H. C. Buck Doctor of Humane Letters 2011
Nippert, Alfred Kuno Doctor of Laws 1956
Nippert, Louis Doctor of Laws 1971
Nippert, Louis Dieterle Doctor of Humane Letters 1967
Noguchi, Hideyo (Posthumous) Doctor of Laws 1928
Novy, F. G. Doctor of Laws 1920
O'Connor, Paul Lynch Doctor of Laws 1964
Oesper, Ralph Edward Doctor of Science 1966
Oliver, John Chadwick Doctor of Science 1929
Opitz, Herwart Siegfried Doctor of Science 1969
Orchin, Milton Doctor of Science 1984
Osborn, Cyrus R. Doctor of Science 1948
Osterbrock, Donald E. Doctor of Science 2004
Owens, Brigman "Brig" Doctore of Humane Letters 2008
Owens, O'dell M. Doctor of Humane Letters 1997
Oxley, Lucy O. Doctor of Science 1990
Pabodie, William H. Master of Arts 1917
Paffrath, Leslie Doctor of Humane Letters 1959
Parham, Marjorie Doctor of Humane Letters 2000
Payne, Dorothy Stolzenbach Doctor of Humane Letters 1967
Payne, J. B. Doctor of Laws 1920
Peale, Norman Vincent Doctor of Humane Letters 1968
Pechstein, Louis A., Sr. Doctor of Laws 1949
Peck, John Weld Doctor of Laws 1965
Pepper, John E. Doctor of Humane Letters 2007
Perkins, Dexter Doctor of Letters 1970
Perry, Kirk L. Doctor of Commercial Science 2015
Peters, Rudolph Albert Doctor of Science 1953
Peyre, Henri Doctor of Letters 1961
Pfau, Susan L. Doctor of Humane Letters 2006
Phalen, Thomas F. Doctor of Laws 1996
Phillips, George Augustus Doctor of Pedagogy 1964
Phillips, Kathryn Sisson Doctor of Humane Letters 1964
Phillipson, David Doctor of Laws 1914
Pichler, Joseph A. Doctor of Humane Letters 2009
Pierce, Wendell Howard Doctor of Laws 1959
Polaski, Deborah Poe Doctor of Performing Arts 2010
Polk, Louis F. Doctor of Commercial Science 1971
Polman, Paul Doctor of Commercial Science 2009
Porter, Jermain Gildersleeve Doctor of Science 1930
Portman III, William C. Doctor of Humane Letters 2021
Pound, Roscoe Doctor of Laws 1933
Prentis, Henning Webb, Jr. Doctor of Laws 1943
Prince, Faith Doctor of Performing Arts 2009
Procter, William Cooper Doctor of Laws 1922
Pugh, Robert C. Doctor of Laws 1921
Rachford, Benjamin K. Doctor of Laws 1926
Rajadhyaksha, Vikram V. Doctor of Humane Letters 2000
Ransohoff, Daniel J. Doctor of Humane Letters (Posthumous) 1993
Ransohoff, Joseph Doctor of Laws 1920
Ransohoff, Marion Doctor of Letters 1962
Reams, Lee Roy Doctor of Performing Arts 1998
Reichert, Victor E. Doctor of Letters 1965
Rentschler, Peter E. Doctor of Commercial Science 1965
Rhodes, James A. Doctor of Laws 1967
Rich, Carl West Doctor of Laws 1959
Richardson, Elliot Doctor of Laws 1974
Richardson, Robert E., Jr. Doctor of Laws 2019
Richardson, William Shaw Doctor of Laws 1967
Rieveschl, Ellen Doctor of Humane Letters 2019
Rieveschl, George, Jr. Doctor of Science 1956
Riffe, Vernal G. Doctor of Laws 1990
Robeck, Gordon G. Doctor of Science 1985
Robertson, Oscar P. Doctor of Humane Letters 2007
Rockefeller, John D., IV Doctor of Laws 1973
Rogers, Carl Doctor of Science 1974
Romano, John Doctor of Science 1979
Romulo, Carlos Pena Doctor of Humane Letters 1980
Rose, Frank Anthony Doctor of Laws 1958
Rose, Michael D. Doctor of Commercial Science 1989
Rosenow, Edward C. Doctor of Science 1920
Rosenthal, Lois Doctor of Humane Letters 2008
Rosenthal, Richard Doctor of Humane Letters 2008
Rothenberg, Jean W. Doctor of Humane Letters 1994
Rowe, Brian Henry Doctor of Science 1987
Rowe, John Jay Doctor of Commercial Science 1956
Rowe, WIlliam Wallace Doctore of Humane Letters 1964
Rubin, Carl B. Doctor of Laws 1988
Rudolf, Max Doctor of Humane Letters 1960
Ruehlmann, Eugene Doctor of Laws 2011
Ruthven, John A. Doctor of Fine Arts 2013
Sabin, Albert Doctor of Science 1974
Samuels, Martin A. Doctor of Science 2005
Sanford, Edward Terry Doctor of Laws 1908
Sawyer, Charles Doctor of Laws 1950
Sawyer, Diane Doctor or Journalism 1992
Schaefer, George A. Jr. Doctor of Commercial Science 2006
Schiff, Robert C., Sr. Doctor of Humane Letters 2001
Schloss, Milton J., Sr. Doctor of Commercial Science 1995
Schlotfeldt, Rozella M. Doctor of Science 1989
Schneider, Herman Doctor of Laws 1933
Schrieffer, John Robert Doctor of Science 1977
Schubert, Arthur William Doctor of Laws 1971
Schulz, William F. Doctor of Humane Letters 2005
Schwab, James E. Doctor of Commercial Science 2016
Schwab, Louis Doctor of Laws 1920
Seasongood, Agnes Doctor of Humane Letters 1974
Sedqwick, William Thompson Doctor of Laws 1920
Seibert, Donald V. Doctor of Commercial Science 1975
Semple, William Tunstall Doctor of Laws 1951
Seretse, Tebelelo Mazile Doctor of Public Service 2014
Shattuck, Frederick C. Doctor of Laws 1908
Shaw, Albert Doctor of Laws 1913
Sheakley, Larry A. Doctor of Commercial Science 2012
Shoemaker, Myrl Doctor of Laws 1982
Shohl, Walter M. Doctor of Laws 1966
Shore, T. Spencer Doctor of Commercial Science 1964
Shriver, Phillip Raymond Doctor of Letters 1966
Shuttlesworth, Fred L. Doctor of Humane Letters 2001
Siddall, Kelly Y. Doctor of Commercial Science 1962
Simon, Frank Doctor of Music 1966
Simrall, Josephine P. Master of Arts 1936
Smith, C. Alphonso Doctor of Humane Letters 1916
Smith, Gloria R. Doctor of Science 1992
Spain, Jayne Baker Doctor of Humane Letters 1971
Spence, James Doctor of Laws 1951
Spencer, Donald A. Doctor of Humane Letters 2006
Spencer, Marian A. Doctor of Humane Letters 2006
Sritanyaratana, Somchitt Doctor of Pedagogy 1968
Stahr, Elvis J. Doctor of Letters 1966
Steger, Joseph A. Doctor of Humane Letters 2004
Stein, Ben Doctor of Humane Letters 2002
Stern, Joseph S., Jr. Doctor of Commercial Science 1989
Stern, Robert D. Doctor of Humane Letters (Posthumous) 1993
Stevenson, Will P. Doctor of Laws 1933
Stewar, Potter Doctor of Laws 1963
Stewart, James Garfield Doctor of Laws 1958
Stockard, Charles Rupert Doctor of Science 1920
Stokes, Carl Burton Doctor of Humane Letters 1968
Strauss, Joseph B. Doctor of Science 1930
Streitmann, Albert Peter Doctor of Fine Arts 1956
Strike, George L. Doctor of Humane Letters 1999
Stuart, James Merton Doctor of Commercial Sciences 1969
Sullivan, Leon Doctor of Humane Letters 1974
Sumberg, Alfred D. Doctor of Humane Letters 1994
Taft, Annie Sinton Doctor of Laws 1922
Taft, Bob Doctor of Laws 2000
Taft, Charles P. Doctor of Laws 1922
Taft, Charles Phelps Doctor of Laws 1965
Taft, Robert A., Sr. Doctor of Laws 1949
Taft, William Howard Doctor of Laws 1925
Tajo, Italo Doctor of Performing Arts 1987
Tangeman, Marjorie Doctor of Laws 1974
Tangeman, Walter William Doctor of Science 1958
Tannenwald, Theodore Doctor of Laws 1976
Tate, Ben E. Doctor of Laws 1961
Tcherkassky, Marianna Doctor of Performing Arts 1999
Teller, Edward Doctor of Laws 1962
Thilly, Frank Doctor of Laws 1913
Thornburg, Dick Doctor of Letters 1964
Thornburgh, Richard E. Doctor of Commercial Science 2009
Tivney, John Louis Doctor of Humane Letters 1971
Toffler, Alvin Doctor of Letters 1972
Trabert, M. Anthony Doctor of Humane Letters 2007
Treadwell, Oscar Doctor of Humane Letters 1997
Trethewey, Natasha Doctor of Fine Arts 2016
Tu, Kuang-hsun Doctor of Laws 1968
Tuner, Darwin T. Doctor of Letters 1983
Twitchell, Ernest  Doctor of Science 1915
Tyler, Ralph W. Doctor of Humane Letters 1960
Ullman, Myron E. "Mike" III Doctor of Commercial Science 2006
Vail, Derrick Tilton Doctor of Science 1969
Van Devanter, Willis Doctor of Laws 1927
Venable, William H. Doctor of Letters 1917
Volcker, Paul A. Doctor of Commercial Science 1986
Von Pauer, Ernest Charles J. Doctor of Laws 1957
Von Rosenstiel, Werner Doctor of Humane Letters 2003
vonBraun, Sigismund Doctor of Laws 1967
Vontz, Albert W., Jr. Doctor of Commercial Science 1989
Waddington, Conrad Hal Doctor of Laws 1971
Waite, Henry M. Doctor of Engineering 1933
Walshe, Francis Marin Rouse Doctor of Humane Letters 1959
Walters, Raymond Doctor of Laws 1955
Ward, Henry Baldwin  Doctor of Science 1920
Warkany, Josef Doctor of Science 1986
Warland, Dale Eugene Doctor of Performing Arts 2008
Warner, Geraldine Doctor of Humane Letters 2021
Warren, Earl Doctor of Laws 1958
Warren, Frederick M. Doctor of Laws 1964
Warrington, John Wesley Doctor of Fine Arts 1980
Waterman, Alan Tower Doctor of Laws 1959
Watson, Jack M. Doctor of Fine Arts 1982
Watts, Mary S. Master of Arts 1917
Webster, John Clarence Doctor of Science 1920
Wedbush, Edward W. Doctor of Commercial Science  2000
Wedbush, Jean Doctor of Humane Letters 2016
Wehling, Robert L. Doctor of Humane Letters 1998
Weick, Paul Charles Doctor of Laws 1965
Weisburger, Elizabeth Kreiser Doctor of Science 1981
Werner, Calvin J. Doctor of Commercial Science 1969
Wesley, Charles Harris Doctor of Laws 1964
West, John Andrew (Skip) Doctor of Laws  2017
Westheimer, Frank Doctor of Science 1976
White, David Doctor of Science 1923
Whiting, Carson R. Doctor of Commercial Science 1984
Wick, Chad P. Doctor of Humane Letters 2005
Wiener, Malcom H. Doctor of Humane Letters 2007
Wile, George J. Doctor of Humane Letters 2005
Williams, Jeffrey P. Doctor of Commercial Science 2009
Wilson, Don W. Doctor of Letters 1988
Wilson, Steven A. Doctor of Commercial Science 2006
Winkler, Henry R. Doctor of Humane Letters 1987
Wiesmann, William P. Doctor of Science 2008
Wiseman, Frederick Doctor of Humane Letters 1973
Wolfson, Erwin S. Doctor of Laws 1961
Woo, Peter K.C. Doctor of Letters 1994
Wood, Harland G. Doctor of Science 1982
Woodson, Sr., Robert L. Doctor of Humane Letters 2012
Wright, Orville Doctor of Science 1917
Wulsin, Lucien Doctor of Science 1957
Wyler, Jeffrey L. Doctor of Commercial Science 2011
Wyler, Joel P. Doctor of Commercial Science 2002
Young, Andrew J. Doctor of Public Service 2014
Zimmer, William Homer Doctor of Commercial Science 1964
Zimmerman, Charles Ballard Doctor of Laws 1958
Zimpher, Nancy L. Doctor of Humane Letters 2017
Ziv, Frederick W. Doctor of Performing Arts 1985

*Cosby, William H., Jr., Doctor of Humane Letters (2001) revoked via board resolution on May 8, 2018