AI Guidelines & Policies

General Guidelines

General guidelines to support the ethical, secure, and responsible use of AI technology at UC.

The university’s software licensing agreements offer privacy-protected access to select AI and Generative AI tools for university-related academic and administrative use.

It is strongly recommended that you log into UC tools with your UC credentials (e.g. UC username and password or UC email address) to help safeguard both individual and institutional privacy and security.

Verify that the information or data you intend to interact with is classified as “Public” under the university's Data Classification Policy before using AI or Generative AI tools. The use of AI technology should not involve confidential, sensitive, or restricted information.

Examples of public data include:

  • Published research articles and findings.
  • Publicly available statistics and datasets.
  • University press releases and news articles.
  • Open educational resources (OERs).

When in doubt, seek guidance from the Office of Information Security

Even when dealing with public data, exercise caution to avoid inadvertently sharing personal information that, while may be publicly accessible, could compromise privacy when aggregated or analyzed.

Ensure that your use of AI technology and public data complies with legal requirements, copyright laws, and ethical standards, particularly when it involves research or the dissemination of information.

Guidelines for Students

Actions to take before using AI technology for academic purposes.

Openly communicate with your instructors about the acceptability and appropriate use of AI and Generative AI tools in your coursework.

Faculty members can provide clear guidance on how these tools may or may not fit into their learning objectives and evaluation criteria.

Carefully read the syllabi for each of your courses at the beginning of the term.

Syllabi often contain vital information about course policies regarding the use of technology, including AI tools. Look for sections on assignments, academic integrity, and technology use, or reach out to your instructor if you're unsure.

Remain cognizant of UC’s policies on academic integrity. The responsible use of technology, including AI technology, should align with principles of honesty, fairness, and respect for the intellectual work of others.

Guidelines for Research

Proposers are encouraged to indicate in the project description the extent to which, if any, generative AI technology was used and how it was used to develop their proposal.

If you serve as an NSF or NIH reviewer, please pay attention to the following notices.