Other AI Tools

Learn more about AI-powered enhancements available in other tools and resources.

Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe is bringing Firefly to Creative Cloud apps. Adobe Firefly is family of creative generative AI models. Features powered by Firefly can currently be found inside Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe Express, Substance 3D, InDesign, Lightroom and Adobe Stock.

Adobe Creative Cloud is available to faculty and staff as paid license. 

LinkedIn Learning AI-Powered Coaching

LinkedIn Learning’s AI-Powered Coach is an interactive tool designed to provide personalized guidance, recommendations, and real-time support as you engage with learning content.

Powered by advanced AI, it helps learners navigate courses by answering questions, summarizing key concepts, and offering tailored suggestions based on individual goals and career aspirations. 

Access LinkedIn Learning’s AI-Powered Coach

LinkedIn Learning is available to all current students, faculty, and staff.

Sign into LinkedIn Learning with your UC username and password to access LinkedIn Learning and the AI-Powered Coach.