October Luncheon
October 2, 2024
11:00 Reservations and Meet & Greet 11:30 Lunch
12:10 Raffle and Business Meeting 12:40 Speaker
1:30 Close
Cost: $15.00
RSVP by: Sept 27th to Jan Currie
.Currie@murdoch.edu.au or (513) 410-9310
Our Guest Speaker:
Beth Johnson, Executive Director Cincinnati Preservation Association
Beth has served the publ ic since 2006. She started her career working in local historic preservation and planning offices in San Antonio, TX, Covington KY, Austin, TX, and Cincinnati , OH working with various design review boards and administering the local historic preservation regulatory framework. In 2022,
Beth transitioned from local municipal preservation work to the local non-profit world and is currently the Executive Director of the Cincinnati Preservation, Greater Cincinnati 's Historic Preservation advocacy and education organization. Before the nonprofit world, Beth also had extensive work throughout her career in preservation education for higher education, professionals, government officials, and the publ ic. Beth has also rehabbed 4 houses, most recently rehabbing and restoring the Benjamin Dombar House and Studio, and successful ly l isted it on the National Register of Historic Places.
Beth is a graduate of Bal l State University where she received a Bachelor’s degree in Urban Planning with a dual major in history and a minor in historic preservation. She received her Master’s degree in historic preservation planning from Cornel l University.
Beth continues to advance the preservation and planning field through being a governor-appointed member of Ohio's Historic Site Preservation Advisory Board and an Executive Committee member of Bal l State University's Planning Advisory Board.
Event Information:
Event Information:
Event Information:
- Activities: installation of Officers and entertainment
- Date and time: TBD, From 11:30 am 1:30 pm