Accommodation Information
Accessibility Resources ensures that students with qualifying disabilities receive reasonable academic accommodations in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504, and other applicable federal and state laws and regulations. Access Coordinators work with students throughout the accommodation process to facilitate reasonable academic accommodations.
Testing accommodations are coordinated on each campus when scheduling your exams.
50% Extended Time on Exams and Quizzes
Additional time (50% more than standard) provided for timed exams and assessments. Requested through the Testing Center when scheduling your exams in their office.
Accessible Technology (Computer in Class)
Use of a personal computer with accessibility features during class. Facilitated by your Access Coordinator to ensure you have access to required software and features.
Accessible Technology (Magnification Tool)
Tool to magnify text and images on-screen for better visibility. Utilized through specialized software or devices available with assistance from your Access Coordinator.
Accessible Technology (Recording Software/Device)
Software or device for recording lectures or discussions. You can use your personal devices or software can be provided from your Access Coordinator.
ASL Interpreter (For Sign Language)
American Sign language interpreter for communication access. Request interpreter services through the ASL Interpreter Request Form
Assignment Due Date Modification
Occasional flexibility in assignment deadlines based on disability occurrences that are unpredictable and episodic. Requested through the Assignment Due Date Modification Form when necessary. Contact your Access Coordinator for the link.
Attendance Policy Modification
Reasonable adjustments to attendance requirements for disability occurrences that are unpredictable and episodic. Requested through the Attendance Policy Modification Form when necessary. Contact your Access Coordinator for the link.
Auto Generated Captions
Accessibility staff work with professors to ensure that they utilize platforms or software that automatically generate captions for course content. Professors are notified before the semester starts if this accommodation is in place in your class; contact your Access Coordinator if your course content is not auto-captioned.
Calculator for Exams and Quizzes
Use of a calculator during tests and assessments. Requested through the Testing Center when scheduling your exams in their office.
Captioning for Course Videos and Recorded Media
Accessibility Resources staff notify professors that all course videos and other recorded materials must have accurate and professional captions. If content is not captioned please contact your Access Coordinator.
CART (Realtime Translation)
Real-time transcription service for lectures, discussions, and other course activities. Submit requests for CART services using the CART Request Form.
Class Materials in Alternative Format
Course materials provided in formats like electronic text, large print, or braille to ensure accessibility. Students submit requests for textbooks via the Alternative Format Textbook Request Form.
Double Time on Exams and Quizzes
Additional time (100% or double more than standard) provided for timed exams and assessments. Requested through the Testing Center when scheduling your exams in their office.
Enlarged Printed Materials for Class/Exams
Professors are notified that printed materials provided in class must be provided in a larger size.
FM Listening System
Use of a personal FM system to improve hearing in class. Provided by the university with assistance from your Access Coordinator.
Individual Room for Exams and Quizzes
When possible, an individual or private space is provided for timed exams and assessments. Requested through the Testing Center when scheduling your exams in their office.
Notetaker/Notetaking Assistance
Access to note-taking software to use during lectures. Work with your Access Coordinator to coordinate.
Preferential Seating
Priority seating arrangement for better classroom access. Coordinate directly with professors to ensure suitable seating in classrooms.
Reader for Exams and Quizzes
Assistance with reading exam questions aloud. Requested through the Testing Center when scheduling your exams in their office.
Reduced Distractions for Exams and Quizzes
Minimized distractions during test-taking. Accommodated in the Testing Center through quiet and controlled environments for exams.
Scribe for Exams and Quizzes
Assistance with writing down answers during exams. Requested through the Testing Center when scheduling your exams in their office.
Special Furniture
Provision of furniture to accommodate physical needs. Coordinated with your Access Coordinator to ensure classrooms have appropriate furniture.