Housing Accommodation

The University of Cincinnati provides housing accommodations in university managed properties for students with disabilities, ensuring their full participation in the residential university experience, as per the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act (ADAAA).

Requesting Housing Accommodations

Students who wish to request housing accommodations due to a disability must:

Incoming First Year and Transfer Students for Fall 2025

Current UC Students for any semester

  • Apply for housing through the UC Housing website.
  • Complete the New Student Registration Form using our online system, UC Accommodate.
  • Upload documentation or a Housing Accommodation Medical Professional Form [PDF] (completed by a qualified medical professional) through the Documents section in your UC Accommodate account (under Accommodation in the menu). Requests will not be reviewed until appropriate documentation is provided.  

Review and Approval 

Requests are reviewed case-by-case. Incomplete applications, including applications submitted without the required medical documentation, cannot be processed.

Accommodation decisions or requests for additional information are sent to the student's UC email. Typically, reviews take 7-10 business days. Housing assignments to fulfill approved accommodations come from the Housing office.

Considerations for approval 

A diagnosis or medical documentation recommendation on its own does not guarantee approval. Decisions consider the condition's nature, symptoms, and all available accommodations and supports on campus and in the residence halls.  

Important considerations for approving housing accommodations include:

  • Is the accommodation request an integral part of the treatment plan for the disability?

  • Are there other effective means that would achieve similar benefits as the requested accommodation?

  • Does the disability create a barrier to equally accessing housing or components of residential like that is guaranteed to all students living within university residential communities?

Housing Accommodation FAQ

  • First-year and Transfer students moving to campus in Fall 2023 can submit a Housing Accommodation beginning February 1, 2023.
  • Students currently enrolled/attending the University of Cincinnati and returning in Fall 2023 may submit a housing request for Fall 2023 when housing assignments open.
  • Housing requests are accepted during the semester. Students should be aware that making a housing accommodation mid-semester may not be able to be fulfilled depending on available space. 
  • Housing accommodations approved mid-semester may require you to move to a new location.
  • Approved housing accommodations only apply to the student with the disability
  • housing makes every attempt to maintain roomate groups when finding locations that best provide approved housing accommodations. However, there are times when an approved accommodation cannot be met in a location that an also house a roomate group
  • A specific roommate/roommate group is not an acomodation that Accessibility Resources can provide. Approved housing accommodations address a student's living environment. Other students cannot be an approved accommodation
  • Accessibility Resources cannot provide a low distraction living environment accommodation based on a diagnosis of ADHD or learning disability
  • By virtue of shared facilities, resources, and number of people living under one roof, students living within UC communities cannot expect quiet, distraction-free space within residence halls. Living within the community and learning to share space and be considerate of others is part of that learning experience.
    • Residence halls across campus offer quiet study rooms/lounges. If you aren't sure where they are located contact your RA or RED. There are multiple Libraries around campus that offer study rooms for students to use. Students may need to reserve them in advance, consult each library for their procedures
  • Approved housing accommodations can usually be provided in a variety of locations. A specific location is not typically part of an accommodation request. Housing will locate a placement that best meets the approved accommodation(s)